94: Never be the same again

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April 4th - Prompt: The last time


"Are you sure you don't wanna come?" Peter sighed.

Susan shook her head. "I've already got plans Peter." She told him.

"Can't your friends wait?" He suggested. "You always see them, and we hardly ever get to see the Professor and Polly, and Jill and Eustace too."

Susan came close to rolling her eyes. "As much as I would love to see them, I can't just cancel my plans." She said. "Besides, if all you lot are gonna do is talk about that game, I don't think I want to go."

Peter forced back a glare, knowing now was not the time to start an argument. "I'll give them your love then." He muttered.

Susan gave him a small smile. "Thanks." She breathed. "And do tell them that I'd of loved to see them all."

"I will." Peter sighed, grabbing his coat.

Edmund and Lucy came down the stairs a minute later, Lucy asking if Peter was ready.

"All ready Lu." He replied, and with a look told his two younger siblings that he had failed in persuading Susan to come.

Edmund shrugged and walked straight passed his sister and out the front door, not even looking up.

"You really should talk to him you know." Lucy told Susan, her voice quiet. "He's extremely upset about everything you said to him last night."

Susan bit her lip. "Alright." She mumbled. "I'll talk to him when he gets back."

Peter managed a small smile at this, nodding at the door and telling Lucy to go after Ed, which she glady did.

"We'll see you later though right?" He said to Susan. "You're home tonight?"

Susan nodded. "Yeah I'll be home tonight." She breathed, watching as Peter left through the front door. "I'll see you later."

But, unknowing to her, that was the last time she saw her siblings, and the next person knocking on her door was a policeman, breaking the news that they'd all been killed.

And since that night, she had never been the same again.


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