4: At least you tried

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Jan 4th - Prompt: I know it hurts


"It hurts."

Peter smiled gently. "I know it does." He murmered, knelt down in front of his six year old brother, inspecting a large gash on his knee. "But hey, at least you tried, right?"

Edmund glanced at the bike beside him, shrugging a little. "I guess." He murmered, sniffing and wiping at his tears.

Peter sighed. "What do you say we get you inside?" He asked.

Edmund hesitated, glancing fearfully down at his knee.

"I know it hurts Eddy." Peter sighed. "So how about I carry you?"

Edmund stared at him. "Really?" He whispered.

Peter chuckled gently. "Of course." He said quietly. "Come here."

He lifted his little brother carefully into his arms, Edmund wrapping his own arms around Peter's neck.

Peter was only just ten years old, so did struggle a little carrying his brother, but he eventually got him inside and onto the sofa, panting as he stood up straight.


Peter shook his head. "I'm okay." He muttered, catching his breath. "I'll go and grab the bike."

Edmund nodded and watched him leave, before coming back a few minutes later.

"Let's get that knee sorted shall we?" Peter said softly.

Edmund nodded a little. "When will Mum and Dad be home?" He asked.

Peter shrugged. "Mum shouldn't be too much longer I don't think." He murmered. "Food shopping doesn't take that long Ed. Dad finishes work at 5 so a while yet."

Edmund sniffed, looking upset.

"But hey, I'm right here okay?" Peter said gently, sitting beside him. "I can look after you."

Edmund stared at him for a while before giving him a weak smile. "Thank you." He whispered.

"Don't mention it." Peter chuckled. "Okay wait here." He said, before hurrying off to find a bowl of warm water, a cloth and a plaster, a large one at that.

He returned to his brother and knelt in front of him, taking hold of his leg. "This might hurt." He said gently.

Edmund sighed, nodding. "I know." He murmered.

"But you'll be fine because you're brave." Peter said with a smile.

Edmund smiled back at him. "I am?" He asked hopefully.

Peter laughed. "Of course you are." He murmered. "You've always been the brave one."

"That's not true." Edmund argued. "You're the bravest."

Peter smiled at him. "What makes you think that?" He asked curiously.

"You - You're never afraid to stand up to the bullies at school." Edmund answered. "You can ride a bike without being scared."

Peter laughed. "You'll learn how to ride a bike soon." He said. "It just takes practice."

Edmund nodded at him. "You are afraid of spiders though." He teased.

Peter rolled his eyes. "Am not." He muttered.

"Are too."

Peter glared playfully at him. "Come on, let me clean this leg." He said, wetting a cloth.

Edmund held his breath and truly was brave throughout Peter cleaning up the gash on his leg, and maybe even smiled a little when his older brother finally placed the plaster on his knee.

"There ya go." Peter breathed. "All done."

"Thank you." Edmund murmered.

"Now, what do you say we go have some lunch?" Peter suggested.

Edmund nodded. "Yeah." He answered. "I'm hungry."

"You're always hungry." Peter teased him.

"At least I'm not afraid of spiders." Edmund shot back, smirking.

Peter raised an eyebrow at him. "You're hilarious." He said sarcastically.

Edmund grinned. "I know."


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