128: Finally over

234 13 3

May 8th - Prompt: Alive


"Do you see him now?"

Peter managed a soft laugh at this, but it slipped when the world started spinning. All his adrenaline was fading and the pain and exhaustion was quickly catching up with him. 

He didn't even realise when he fell to his knees, and only noticed he'd done so when Edmund appeared in front of him, kneeling down so they were both eye level with each other. "Pete?" He murmured, sounding beyond worried.

Peter swallowed hard, wincing when Edmund grabbed his shoulders to steady him seeming as he was swaying back and forth. 

"Sorry." Edmund breathed, letting go of his left shoulder. "Still sore eh?" He said gently, attempting a smile. 

Peter nodded. "Yeah." He whispered, finding his voice. 

"What else hurts?" Edmund asked gently. 

"How about everything." Peter breathed, trying to smile a bit but not really succeeding. 

"Do you want my cordial?" Lucy asked, walking over. 

But Peter shook his head. "I'll be okay without it." He told her. 

"Are you sure?" Edmund asked. "That was one hell of a duel..."

"I'm sure Ed." Peter told him. "I'm fine." 

Edmund bit his lip, but sighed and gave up, Peter wasn't going to change his mind anyway. "I'm glad the duel's over though." He whispered, voice cracking a little. 

Peter, who's world had stopped spinning now, sighed sadly. "So am I." He breathed. "And thank you, for staying with me throughout it all." 

"Of course." Edmund replied. "I wouldn't of wanted to be anywhere else."

Peter managed a smile for him, placing a hand on his shoulder and squeezing gently. 

"I'm also glad you're alive." Edmund whispered. 

"What, you really think he could've defeated me?" Peter teased, smirking. 

Edmund laughed gently. "No one can beat you." He told him. 

Peter grinned, "Exactly," He said firmly. "I'm just too great." 

Edmund smiled again, before taking a deep breath. "We should probably get you some medical help though." He said. "You need to rest, eat and heal." 

Peter didn't bother arguing, and slowly nodded. "That does sound good I guess." He murmured. 

After this Aslan stepped forward, smiling down at Peter. "You have done well Peter." He said softly. "You have protected your country, as a good King should." 

Peter bit his lip. "I haven't been that great." He sighed. 

"Today you have been." Aslan said firmly. "We will discuss things another day, but now is not the time."

Peter gave him a grateful look, before resting his forehead against Edmund's shoulder. "Boy I'm tired." He grumbled. 

Edmund nodded in understanding. "I can understand why." He said quietly. "Are you sure you're okay though?" 

Peter nodded a little. "I just need to rest I think." He breathed. "Perhaps get a cool flannel on some of these wounds, my skin feels like it's burning in some places." 

Edmund nodded, he knew what Peter was on about, he too had felt that feeling many times. "We'll get back to the How yeah?" He suggested. 

Peter smiled, nodding. "Yeah." He whispered, glad that it was all finally over.


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