129: Lock

282 13 2

May 9th - Prompt: Locked


"Where's Ed?"

Peter glanced up, seeing Susan walk into the room, closing the door behind her. "In the bathroom." He mumbled.

Susan nodded. "Is he feeling any better?" She asked.

Peter sighed. "To be honest I really don't know." He muttered. "He says he is, but he's still as white as a sheet and he has a temperature."

"Well, at least he's doing better than he was." Susan said, heading over to open up the window. "That fever could've lasted a lot longer."

"Yeah, but he's still not great." Peter sighed.

"He'll be fine." Susan told him. "Don't worry."

Just as she'd said this though a rather loud thud reached Peter's ears, and he quickly turned towards the bathroom door.

"What was that?" Susan asked hesitantly.

Peter stood, walking slowly over to the door. "Ed?" He said. "You okay in there?"

No answer.

Susan frowned deeply as she headed over, standing next to Peter and knocking lightly on the door. "Edmund?" She called.

Peter's heart skipped a beat when again there was no answer. "This isn't funny Ed." He said, voice shaking slightly. "Open the door."

After ten seconds Susan took a deep breath. "I don't think he can hear us." She choked. "He's collapsed."

Peter hesitated. "Okay..." He murmured, grabbing the handle. "It's locked." He muttered, voice worried.

"Of course it is." Susan sighed.

Peter seemed to think for a moment before he spoke, "I'll just knock it down." He said.

"That's an extremely stupid idea." Susan snapped.

"Why?!" Peter snapped back. "He's unconscious in there, you want me to just stand here?!"

"No, but what if he's right by the door Peter?" Susan said.

Peter swallowed hard, in all honesty he hadnt thought of that, and was glad Susan was with him.

"We'll pick the lock okay?" Susan said gently. "It shouldn't be hard." As she spoke she took two pins from here hair.

Peter watched closely as Susan knelt in front of the door, drumming his fingers on his leg until she managed to pick the lock.

He opened the door slowly, stepping inside to see Edmund, slowly sitting himself up against the far wall.

It was clear he'd just woken up, for his eyes were still half closed and his movements screamed exhaustion, so Peter hurried over, clearly taking his brother by surprise. "Peter." He murmured.

Peter sighed. "You collapsed." He muttered. "We heard you."

Edmund nodded slowly. "How - How'd you get in?" He asked.

"Susan had to pick the lock." Peter told him, helping him to sit up properly.

"Okay..." Edmund slurred.

Peter sighed. "Come on, you're clearly not as better as you said you were." He muttered. "Let's get you back into bed."

"I - I do feel slightly better." Edmund pointed out as Peter helped him to his feet. "I don't have a fever anymore."

"Yeah well, you're clearly still weak from the fever you did have." Peter said. "Which is why you passed out, which is why you should be in bed."

Edmund didn't say anything as Peter and Susan helped him over and into his bed, Peter burying him in at least three blankets. "Can - Can I have something to eat?" He asked suddenly.

Susan raised an eyebrow. "Huh, maybe he is better." She murmured teasingly.

Edmund smiled weakly. "Just something small." He breathed. "My stomach's near enough empty."

Peter nodded. "We'll find you something." He told him. "You sure you aren't gonna collapse again?"

Edmund chuckled, shaking his head. "I'm sure."


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