60: I've been told

346 16 3

March 1st - Prompt: A far away place


"Where's Edmund?" Susan asked, wandering over to Peter who was stood staring out the window.

Peter turned to her, sighing a little before pointing outside, only for Susan to see Edmund riding Philip into the woods. "Where's he going?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at her older brother.

Peter gave her a sad smile. "I don't know." He breathed. "But I do know he's been there before."

"You're making no sense." Susan told him.

Peter shrugged. "Edmund disappears when he needs time to really think, disappears to some far away place, and I know it's far away cause he's told me." He explained. "I promised him I'd never follow him, and that I'd just leave him be."

Susan nodded slowly. "I have noticed he's been a bit distracted today." She said slowly, glancing back out the window even though she could no longer see her younger brother.

"He's got a lot on his mind." Peter told her. "He's working really hard lately, he obviously needs some time off."

"Will he be back today?" Susan asked, sounding a little worried.

Peter nodded. "Not til late though." He said. "He'll try and sneak it at gone midnight, I'll be there waiting for him. He used to deny there was anything wrong, but since I know he allows me to take care of him and get him off to bed."

Susan smiled gently at him. "You're a good brother, you know that?" She murmured kindly.

Peter chuckled gently, nodding. "I've been told."


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