187: Susan

174 8 3

July 6th - Prompt: Ravenclaw


The traits of a Ravenclaw are Logical, clever, curious, independent, creative, sharp and intelligent.

Susan is a Ravenclaw.

She's extremely logical, I think the first movie tells us that, it's something she very much believes in: logic

She's clever, definitely very clever. Top of her class at school, has never failed an exam, always does well in lessons and hardly ever needs help.

She can be curious too, whether she does or sees what she's curious about or not, it never stops her from wondering.

She's independent, she does stuff by herself, doesn't ask for help, doesn't need help. She prefers to be left alone, prefers to be left to do what she needs to do, and if people prevent her or stop her she can get very frustrated.

She's also creative, she used to make up stories for Edmund and Lucy when they were younger, and some of the tales she'd tell were beautiful. Her creativity is certainly one of her best traits, her siblings would say so anyway.

She's sharp and intelligent, always on point, never late, always doing her best, and never failing, or almost never.

Susan is a Ravenclaw, and it's the perfect house for her


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