151: Maths

226 14 3

May 31st - Prompt: Trouble


"You look like you wanna set that book on fire." Edmund commented, staring at his older brother with a raised eyebrow.

Peter glanced up, rolling his eyes. "Perhaps I do." He muttered.

Edmund smirked a little. "What's up?" He asked.

"I'm just having some trouble figuring all of it out." Peter admitted. "Gosh I hate maths."

Edmund gave him a sympathetic smile. "It's never been your strong point has it?" He breathed.

Peter snorted. "You can say that again." He muttered. "But like, if I ever wanna be a doctor I have a slight feeling I'm gonna have to be good at maths."

Edmund nodded slowly. "That's true." He said, before walking over. "You want a hand?"

Peter looked at him, before nodding a little. "That would be nice." He murmured.

The two sat together for the next hour, before the bell went for dinner.

"That wasn't too bad was it?" Edmund asked as Peter packed away his homework.

Peter raised his eyebrow at Edmund. "No, not at all." He muttered sarcastically.

Edmund smiled. "With a bit of practice I'm sure you'll pass your exam." He told him.

"If I do it'll be by the skin of my teeth." Peter told him.

Edmund shrugged, chuckling a little. "Well, if that is the case," He said. "At least you would've passed."


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