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Time flies, and half a month passed in a blink of an eye.

The Imperial Capital at the end of December is getting colder and colder.

At the same time, Gu Suisui's "Tit for Tit" filmed in April in the Republic of China has also been scheduled for release at the Spring Festival in early February.

Once the news of the film's finalization was released, it was followed by a busy film promotion period.

When Gu Suisui saw Sister Fu again, she found that her whole mental outlook looked much better than when she met at home last time.

"Sister Fu, is your father's illness cured?" Gu Suisui has been thinking about this in fact. It's just that the children forget about sex, are busy playing and forget to ask, now they immediately remembered when they saw Sister Fu.

Fu Yingyu was stunned for a moment when she heard the child's question, and it took a while to react. This should be the euphemism that Sui Sui's parents had asked for the last time.

She smiled and replied in a relaxed tone: "Thank Suisui for your concern, he is much better."

Her dad is now recovering in the nursing home, and everything is moving in a good direction. It was that man who couldn't be idle. Not long after the operation of the injured right leg and the plaster had not been removed, he wanted to try to walk on crutches. Although the doctor said that even if she recovered well, she would not be able to walk as vigorously as a normal person in the future, but Fu Yingyu who learned the news did not feel particularly sad. On the contrary, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

At least she won't have to worry about this person doing dangerous things again in the future. He has made a lot of sacrifices for this society, and it's time to think about it for himself. He can't really devote his whole life to the country.

Fu Yingyu now has no other demands on this father, but hopes that he can live... to live well for her mother.

After years of unraveling the knots, Fu Yingyu finally regained her enthusiasm for work. During this period of time, she has been affected by various things, which led to her not being able to work well. It just so happened that a new movie will be released during the Spring Festival. She has to take advantage of this opportunity to strive for another step in her career.

Gu Suisui was obviously very happy when she heard Sister Fu said that her father's illness was much better, and she cheered and said, "That's good~"

Last time Sister Fu came to the house and left in a bad mood. Afterwards, she was always worried that her father was also sick, and she would become as sad as Sister Fu. It now appears that although this place called a hospital sounds terrible, it can scare the kindergarten children into crying, but it still has a great effect. It can heal people who are sick.

Fu Yingyu feels very happy to see Suisui caring about herself all the time, but she is an adult after all, and it is always embarrassing to let a child remember her things all the time. It stands to reason that her sister should take care of the children, who knows the other way around.

She coughed lightly and changed the subject: "Sai Sui, the little skirt you wear today is very beautiful."

She was telling the truth. Sui Sui is the best-looking little girl she has ever seen, beautiful in all clothes.

Gu Suisui heard Sister Fu boasting about herself, her smile on her face was even brighter, her chest straightened out, with a slight show off in her tone, and she said, "Of course, this little skirt was given by my father."

Fu Yingyu asked, "At that age, did you think your father was good to you?"

Even if the year-old father who came out suddenly helped her and rescued her father, if he was not good to the children, he would definitely be the first one to refuse.

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