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The National Girl is Three and a Half Years Old Chapter 142: The 142nd day of the development of a national girl

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This winter is colder than in previous years. Fortunately, the Imperial Capital started heating last month.

Liu Le stayed at home in a thin pajamas, using his mobile phone to scan the China Golden Rooster Film Festival.

Since knowing that her cubs nominated the Golden Rooster Award for Best Newcomer, Liu Le, like the others in the group, has been following news in this regard at all times.

Zai Zai is walking on the red carpet today, and I don’t know when the raw and refined pictures will be released...

Liu Le flipped through Weibo and found that the most discussed issue on the Internet is the Golden Rooster Award for Best Actor and the Golden Rooster Award for Best Actress in the end. Some people even initiated an anonymous poll on Weibo, guessing who the Golden Rooster and Golden Rooster Queen will be this time——

There are a total of five nominees for the Best Actress of the Golden Rooster Award, and each of them is very good, with high and low support rates, but overall the gap is not big.

But in the Golden Rooster Award for Best Actor, the vast majority of netizens chose Lu Chi and Chu Zhuangjie. The total number of votes of the other three best actor nominees is not more than half that of the two of them.

Although Lu Chi made his debut at the age of 16, but in the last two years he has been devoted to studying, and his exposure rate is not high. Fortunately, the first film he made after college earned a total box office of more than 2 billion, which can be regarded as relying on " The movie "Dormant" has once again emerged, even more famous than before.

And Chu Zhuangjie's own strength, coupled with multiple nominations for the best actor in the Golden Rooster Award, there is a high demand for him to win the award on the Internet. As for whether there is the strength of a movie emperor, Chu Zhuangjie, who has been in the film industry for more than 30 years and has won many awards, is a well-deserved sentence.

The two are a senior in the film industry and a rising star, and there are many people who support them. This has led to fierce online debates about the best actor in the Golden Rooster Award.

But all of this has nothing to do with Liu Le, the cotton candy powder. Who made her idol so young? Now he can't even be the protagonist of the movie. The actor and actress is still far away from her. This time it is still Make a wish first to let Cubs get the Golden Rooster Award for Best Newcomer smoothly.

With this Best Newcomer Award, in the future, if you encounter a black fan to find fault, you will be more confident to get up.

Liu Le watched the Weibo poll he accidentally swiped, and finally voted for Lu Chi. In fact, she is more optimistic about Mr. Chu Zhuangjie. She also went to the cinema to watch the movie "Tracking the Fog". Mr. Chu Zhuangjie's performance in it is indeed convincing enough. Although the total box office of the movie is not as good as Lu Chi's "Dormant", the whole movie is The logic of the film is clear and interlocking. It is a very good suspense film.

As for why Teacher Chu Zhuangjie is more optimistic about Lu Chi, it is of course that her cubs have a better relationship with Lu Chi, who loves Wu and Wu.

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