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"The mushrooms you sell at this stall are quite cheap. I just saw a sign beside the mushroom stall at the door saying that they sell for fifteen yuan a catty." Auntie is the kind of person who often goes to the vegetable market. Mushrooms in this season are not very expensive, wild ones may be more expensive, but generally only ten yuan per catty are cultivated in sheds.

Ke Jingyang remembered the store at the door. It seemed that Zhang Huijin and her daughter were setting up a stall: "Auntie, you are the first guest of our stall. If you give you a cheaper one, it will be opened."

Did everyone else sell it so expensive? Doesn't that seem to be a disadvantage for him? ? Forget it, the price I said, even if the tooth is broken, I have to continue selling.

"Young man, auntie likes a sincere person like you! This is your daughter, she looks really beautiful, just like my little granddaughter."

"Hahaha my daughter is pretty."

The first visitor to their stall saw that the mushrooms here are selling cheaply, so he bought two catties of large mushrooms and half a catty of small mushrooms.

Ke Jingyang successfully received twenty-nine yuan in the account.

On the side, Gu Suisui, who was the first to say two yuan and a catty, after listening to the conversation between the two adults, seemed to realize that it was wrong, stuck out his tongue, and asked embarrassedly: "Daddy Ke, two yuan. Is a pound cheap?"

The people she watched on TV sell it like this, and if you say so, basically everything can be sold out. And so is my mother. Every time I see a store that says "all the money is only two yuan", she must be pulled in to buy one or two things before she will come out.

Little Bai Ke Jingyang, who has never bought vegetables, frowned, and said in a uncertain tone: "It should be very cheap." He used to eat a small plate of fried mushrooms in a restaurant for a few hundred yuan.

"Some of the other guests sold fifteen yuan a catty, so we can't make a difference. If we sell them for two yuan a catty, we will sell all these big mushrooms for 40 yuan." As for Xiao Xiao Mushrooms are only about one or two catties, and they can only be sold for fifty and one hundred yuan.

The total amount here is more than one hundred yuan. What can one hundred yuan be used for this year?

I feel like I can only buy some sweets for the Gu Suisui kid next to me, right?

"No, we have to raise the price!" Ke Jingyang said with determination, thinking about their food expenses for the day.

"But Dad Ke, how much are we going to cost a catty?" Little Marshmallow usually follows her mother to the supermarket, and only pays attention to the snack area, so I don't know how much big mushrooms and small mushrooms are worth.

How much to sell is indeed a question...

Ke Jingyang struggled for a while, and said, "Let's just set the price of the big mushroom at ten yuan a catty. The small mushroom will still be at the original price, fifty one catty. If it sells well, we will increase the price." Can't sell it...the big deal is to lower the price.

Besides, relying on this highly recognizable face, how can there be a day when things can't be sold? ! !

However, not long after this thought stayed in his mind, he slapped his face.

In the next twenty minutes, several people came over to ask about the price of mushrooms, but they all just asked casually, and they didn't particularly want to buy it. Moreover, Ke Jingyang also discovered that the people who buy vegetables at this market are generally middle-aged and elderly people, among them the most are in their 40s or 50s. His handsome face that fascinates thousands of young girls is useless on these people. Where...

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