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On the island.

Ke Jing raised up early, he looked at the child who was still asleep next to him, smiled helplessly, and helped her to recover the large coat on her body.

The program group is also really cruel. For the effect of the program, they don't even give them a quilt.

It's really not good. You can give a tent. Why isn't sleeping in a tent better than sleeping in a cave? ? Although this cave looks quite spacious and there is a place for people to sleep, it is always unaccustomed to living in it.

Ke Jingyang, afraid of waking up the children, left the cave lightly, grabbing the tools prepared by the show crew, and preparing to go to the beach to fish for their breakfast today.

Probably because of his poor technique, almost an hour has passed, and he did not catch the big fish he imagined, only two small crabs, five small shrimps and some shells.

Not to mention whether these things are enough for him and the children to eat. Even in the morning, they can't just eat these crabs, shrimps and rice, right? !

Ke Jingyang, who was worrying about breakfast, later thought of a good idea.

That's right, that's the robbing of the staff on the side.

Although the program team did not prepare food for the two guests, but they prepared some rice and vegetables for several staff members, enough for everyone to eat together for two days and there is still left.

"Mr. Ke, it's not so good for you to do this. There are so many cameras around you..." the staff persuaded dryly.

He knows that this big star Ke often does not play cards according to the routine, but he did not expect that he even dared to grab something in front of the camera!

Ke Jingyang is a thick-skinned person. While checking what is available for him, he said without changing his face: "I am an adult, it's okay. You can eat anything in the morning, but you have also seen it, Gu The year-old kid is still so young, can you bear to see her eat these unnutritious things in the morning?!"

Staff: "..." The truth is so good that they can't refute anything.

In order to fight for the rights and interests of him and the children, Ke Jingyang "friendly negotiation" with the staff for ten minutes, and finally went back contentedly.

The staff of the program group saw that there was another child, and left them a small bag of rice and a small iron pot for cooking. Although the food is given to them, you still have to cook it yourself.

When Ke Jingyang grew up, it was the first time that Ke Jingyang tried cooking by himself. He first picked up some dry wood and made a fire. Oh, yes, the fire was also "borrowed" from the staff, which was very convenient to use.

He watched adding a half bottle of mineral water to the small pot, and then put a handful of rice in it. Of course, there are also the results of his stay at the beach this morning, the small crabs and the small shrimps were all washed, and after a little processing, they were all thrown in, and there was a pot of stew.

It seems that seafood porridge is not difficult to make...

After Ke Jingyang had done all this, he returned to the cave and found that Gu Suisui had just woke up.

The little girl who just woke up was white with red skin. She rubbed her eyes and said in a tender little milky voice: "Dad Ke, can you help me tie my hair?"

Ke Jingyang, who had been fighting the staff for three hundred rounds just now, has encountered a problem and hesitated: "Sui Sui, I don't know what you said." In the previous two episodes of the program recording, it was similar. This kind of trivial matter of tying the little girl's hair is usually done with the help of the staff arranged by the program group.

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