(18+ warning) Special- Lisa Final: Special Training

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You slept peacefully for the first time in many days, you don't know just how Lisa enchanted that potion but you had a night of uninterrupted sleep and even slept partially into the next morning.

"Big sister y/n....big sister y/n" someone called out to you.

"Hmm? Who....?" you mumbled in your sleep. 

"Big sister y/n! Wake up!" the voice became louder and you felt your body being moved slightly.

You squinted your eyes open and were met by familiar light red eyes looking at you earnestly.

"Big sister! It's already close to afternoon! Wake up already!"

You finally opened your eyes completely and saw Klee standing in front of you, her hand kept on your shoulder, budging you slightly. You sat up and saw a blanket was kept on you, you glanced around and saw you were inside Lisa's workshop. You pondered a little and finally remembered what happened then smiled to yourself.

"Seriously, just what sort of potion was that...." you murmured under your breath while smiling then your thoughts were interrupted by Klee.

"Good morning big sister y/n! It's already noon! We don't have much time left!"

You smiled then patted Klee's head gently and said, "Klee, how did you know I was here?"

"I came to look for you to play with you but you weren't anywhere in the HQ then big sister Lisa told me you are here and asked me to wake you up since it was getting late." 

"I see, and is Lisa in her library?"

Klee nodded then you patted her head more and stood up, she extended her arms to you, wanting to be picked up and you smiled then picked her up and proceeded to walk down the HQ. You went to the library first and saw Lisa sitting at her table, drinking tea. She smiled as soon as she saw you come in then stood up and walked closer to you, keeping her palm on your cheek.

"Good morning, cutie. Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, thank you so much for that Lisa."

Lisa smiled then looked at Klee who was in your arms and patted her head, "Good job in waking her up, Klee. I'll let you use my workshop later in the day."

"Yayy! Thank you so much big sister Lisa!"

Lisa chuckled then kissed Klee's forehead lightly, you looked at her yearningly, waiting for her to kiss you as well but she simply caressed your cheek then walked back to her table and sat down, "Cutie, come here later in the evening. We'll continue our training then, for now, go and play with Klee." 

"O-Oh alright..." you said while pouting slightly then went out. She saw you pout and giggled to herself then thought, "Oh cutie....just wait for tonight. I'll give you the ~most~ effective training of your life~

You came out of the library and greeted Jean next, she was sitting at her table and working on documents as usual.

"Jean, good morning."

She raised her head up as soon as she heard your voice, she was surprised for a moment then smiled and said, "Good morning, y/n. It seems you are doing well now." 

"Yes, I was able to sleep properly yesterday."

"That's good. Now, don't push yourself too hard just because you are feeling better. And Klee, don't trouble her too much, alright?"

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