(18+ warning) Chapter 27- The Past and The Present

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You nodded in agreement then she let you ask her a question first, you thought for a moment then looked back at her nervously.

"I heard from Keqing that you have had some suitors before so what kind of people were they and how did those relationships go?"

"Oh, Keqing told you about this as well? Hmm, seems she has told you more about me than I told you myself~"

"S-She told me about this before our date, I took some advice from her regarding the things you like so as to plan for the date."

"Hehe~ I see, no wonder the date was so well planned~"

You blushed slightly and she smiled then got up and walked over to your side then sat beside you closely and held your hand.

"I have had 3 suitors, all men. They all wanted to marry me to gain all sorts of benefits. They belonged to some rich families in Liyue and beyond and their parents wanted to associate with me for obvious reasons. None of them lasted for more than a month, they never showed any interest in me beyond business matters hence I also never gave them an inch. The way I treated them depended on the way they treated me first and it was clear they were with me only for profit." she paused then put her head on your shoulder.

"I never did anything....intimate with them, no hugs or kisses or anything else. They did try to come up close to me in some instances but I wasn't comfortable enough with them to do any of those things. One of them was even ready to have a business relationship on paper and a physical relationship involving 'mutual benefits' behind the scenes..." she chuckled.

"That's so horrible! He didn't do anything to you, did he?!" you exclaimed.

"Haha, of course not. I banished him and his family from Liyue as soon as he said that. Perhaps it's due to encounters like this that I closed my heart off for some time and focused on my Jade Chamber. I yearned for a true relationship where I could trust my partner and feel safe with them but I knew that with my status and reputation it would be difficult to come across someone like that. Those three men even went as far as to spread rumors about me being heartless and materialistic all across Liyue and maybe even beyond..." she sighed.

"But I suppose I was wrong because I did come across you. Right on day one, the way you negotiated the contract with me was different than others. I really liked how honest you were with the things you wanted to change in the contract, it matched up with what Mondstadt's Acting Grand Master said about you and I found you quite interesting right from the get-go. Then the way you treated me later on also made me more infatuated with you...."

"I-I see, I remember you said that the kiss we had that day was your first kiss, I was really surprised to hear that since I had known about these suitors of yours...."

"Hehe~ I wouldn't give my firsts to just anyone, with those suitors I could tell right on our first meeting what their motives were hence why those relationships never bloomed into something more."

You blushed more hearing that and looked away embarrassingly, she saw how flustered you were and pulled your face towards herself and gazed into your eyes.

"You know, my dear.....whenever I look at you a switch flips in me and this urge to...eat you up comes over me..." she said and got closer to your face.

"Is it this cute little face of yours that I can't resist..." she held your chin up.

"Or the way your face reddens up like right now whenever I get close to you..." she slid her finger across your cheek.

Persistence (Genshin Impact- Ningguang x fem reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt