Chapter 37- An Old Fling

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One of the days you woke up a little earlier than usual and saw Ningguang sitting at the dressing table making her hair, you sat up a little and gazed at how she made her hairstyle. She glanced at you in the mirror and gave you a smile, she was holding her hairpin in her mouth and hence didn't speak.

"I have always wondered how you make this hairstyle of yours, it looks highly complicated and I can't understand how the knot stays firm throughout the day..."

She chuckled then removed the hairpin from her mouth and looked at you in the mirror again, "well how about I show you right now?"

You got up and walked up behind her and touched her soft and shimmering hair lightly, she gave you instructions about the hairstyle and you followed them and within 2 minutes her hair was up in her usual knot, you looked at it in surprise as to how you were able to do that so quickly and on your first try at that.

"Well, was that so difficult and time-consuming?" she asked with a slight smirk on her face.

"N-No, it surprisingly wasn't. Wow, I never thought I could use those twists and turns, no wonder you can do this every day...." you replied while holding her hair strands lightly.

She chuckled then started to apply her makeup, you still stood behind her and caressed her strands gently then bent down and kissed them tenderly. She blushed slightly at your action then smiled and wrapped her arm around your neck and bent back a little to kiss you gently, it was a quick and loving kiss and you both smiled after the kiss then she started to apply her makeup again and you went and laid on the bed to sleep a bit more.

"Ah let me inform you, I won't be here for lunch today. I have a lunch meeting to attend at Liuli Pavillion with some businessmen from Fontaine and I won't be back until late in the evening." she said.

"Oh alright, good luck with the meeting." you replied with a smile then went back to sleep.

A few hours later you woke up and went to do your commissions, you decided to take some longer commissions for today to be able to pass time till the evening. Around 5 pm you were in the harbor helping out a few sailors then suddenly heard some women talking about Ningguang.

"Hey, did you hear? That dashing gentleman from Fontaine is back in Liyue for Lady Ningguang." said one woman.

"No way! He still hasn't given up on her?" exclaimed another woman.

"Yeah, he apparently hasn't. Word is that they are at Liuli Pavillion right now discussing some business matters but it seems he has other intentions." said the first woman again.

You got highly interested in this talk and went to them to ask about this gentleman.

"Uh...could you tell me a bit more about this man?"

"Oh no traveler! I'm sorry you heard that." said one woman.

"It's fine, just tell me about this man and what he did." you said.

"Well he is a previous lover of Lady Ningguang, we don't know much details since their relationship was highly concealed but he seemed to be very interested in her and signed a trade deal with her just so he could see her more often. Word is that he wanted a special relationship with her but she refused and banned him from Liyue for unknown reasons." said the woman.

"Special relationship...? Could he be that man she told me about earlier who wanted a physical relationship with her....?" you pondered for a moment then looked at the women again.

"Then how come he's back here?" you questioned.

"We don't know but it could be that his banishment time is over now. Rumors say he has changed quite a lot, he looks even more handsome than before and has become quite sophisticated as well." said the woman.

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