Chapter 51- Planning

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You looked behind to see who it was, the crowd made way for the person to walk out and the one you saw was.....Lisa. 

"L-Lisa?! What is she doing here?!" you thought baffled. 

Lisa walked up to the man and stood on Ningguang's other side, she summoned electrical sparks in her hands and glared at him the same way as the other two.

"So? What were you saying about my cutie?" 

The 3 of them glared at him with murderous intent and he finally backed down and the Millelith took him away, the crowd cheered and clapped then they looked at you and came near you, Keqing and Yanfei walked away saying they have to look over the execution and complete some final formalities. The 3 of them stood in front of you and smiled at you, you wiped your tears away and smiled back at them then suddenly someone else spoke from behind.

"Excuse me, may I have a moment of your time Tianquan Ningguang, Harbinger Signora and Traveler?" said the voice. 

They turned around and it was the man's father, the lawyer standing in front of them, Lisa went and sat on one of the chairs while you 3 stood there then suddenly the lawyer kneeled down and lowered his head in front of you three.

"My deepest apologies for all the trouble my son caused you three, I never thought he would do these things here. I knew he still hadn't given up on you, Tianquan Ningguang, but I never imagined him to go this far. Please, forgive me for the way I raised him. As a father, it's difficult for me to accept his execution but as a lawyer from the National Court of Fontaine, I know that this is the right decision therefore I do not object it. I have another son who is as old as Traveler and he highly looks up to you Tianquan Ningguang, he respects and appreciates the way you govern Liyue and someday wishes to govern Fontaine the same way. I swear I will not let him go on the wrong path as my elder son did and hopefully, someday you can meet him and teach him a few things." said the lawyer while kneeling.  

"Please raise your head, Monsieur Laurent. You are still a highly respected lawyer from the National Court hence you mustn't kneel in front of me like this. It wasn't your fault that he turned out this way, I'm sure you gave him the best of education and values you could but somewhere along the way we do not realize how our children turn into something else. All has been said and done and I do not wish to have further discussions on this, as for your other son I'm looking forward to meeting him as well and I'll be sure to give him the right advice." replied Ningguang.

Mr Laurent stood up then turned to Signora and bowed in front of her as well, "I apologize that my son got you involved in this, Harbinger Signora. I will be sure to pay you all the mora he owes you and hopefully Fontaine and Snezhnaya can continue to do business on good terms."

"I do not care about the mora, Monseiur Laurent. As a matter of fact, I quite enjoyed coming here and doing what he asked as I got to spend time with my little tiger~" she said with a smirk and winked at you, you blushed slightly and looked away embarrassed.  

Mr Laurent chuckled then turned towards you and bowed again, "Traveler, I cannot apologize enough for the things he said and did to you and I'm grateful that you are Tianquan Ningguang's lover. I extend an invitation to you both to visit Fontaine someday, I will make the best of arrangements for you both and make sure that you have a good time there, this is the best I can do to apologize for the harm done to you."

You slightly panicked seeing him bow in front of you, "S-Sir, please do not bow like this, you are much older and respectable than me. I accept your apology and we will be sure to visit someday."

He smiled then raised his head and proceeded to walk away, you sighed then looked at Ningguang and Signora who smiled at you, Lisa came to your side and gently caressed your head. 

Persistence (Genshin Impact- Ningguang x fem reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang