Chapter 89- Fateful Encounter

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A few days later, you and Ningguang had been invited to attend a wedding ceremony in the town, it was the wedding of the daughter of one of the Qixing members. The venue was Yuijing Terrace, the entire terrace had been splendidly decorated all around and the whole of Liyue had been invited to attend the auspicious occasion. You and Ningguang stood in the front of the crowd which was gathered around the venue. Various customs and ceremonies as prescribed in Liyue's traditions were being performed by the couple.

"My dear, isn't this the first time you are witnessing a traditional-styled Liyue wedding?"

"Oh yes, it is. Up till now, I only saw the modern-styled ones. And I can see why people prefer the modern ones over this, there are so many unnecessary customs and formalities involved in this."

She chuckled then looked at the couple, "I can see your point of view. Even though I'm the kind of person to skip such pretentious formalities, I actually find quite deep meaning in this kind of wedding....."

You looked at her from the side as she gazed at the couple and pondered, "Does she not want this kind of wedding for herself.....?"

You looked straight again then a few moments later she glanced and held your hand, you looked at her then she smiled and you smiled back. Both of you stayed at the venue and witnessed all the ceremonies then had dinner and came back then she called you to her office to discuss something.

"My dear, I thought of something. We can hold a private court wedding with just the 2 of us along with a few people to witness it then we can have a reception party and invite our close friends. I made my guest list and most of our close friends coincide so it doesn't add up to too many people. Afterwards, I'll simply have an announcement put in the newspapers about this. What do you think?"

You were surprised hearing that then thought for a moment and said, "Hmm, I don't mind this but I was just wondering do you really not want to make it luxurious and theatrical? I mean, you get married once in your life so you shouldn't hold back. Don't you like traditional kinds of weddings like the one we were at? Once the rest of the nations find out that you have been married then I'm sure it will create a lot of waves, many people must have been expecting you to have a glamorous ceremony or something."

She let out a chuckle then cupped her face and rested it on the table, "I'm marrying you, not them. I don't care what anyone thinks. It's true that I like that kind of wedding but I believe marriage is a matter between 2 people, it doesn't have to please others as long as the 2 people involved are content with it. I want us to only look at each other and think about each other while we tie the knot, I want it to be close and personal."

You blushed slightly then smiled and said, "I see, alright then I'm fine with it."

"Well then, I suppose we can have them both here only. I'll have the papers ready and ask Keqing to be the judge."

"Uh...I was thinking of something...." you said shyly.

"Please say it, my dear. If you want to make it public then we can, I'm not forcing you into this."

"No, I'm fine with this....I just thought we can do a few of those traditional customs.....if you want...."

She chuckled then got up from her seat and came to your side, "Alright then, I'll have the Jade Chamber decorated accordingly and call a tailor for our dresses. The audience will be Keqing, Ganyu, and my other secretaries, the rest will be sent home. Is there anything else you wish to have, my dear?"

You smiled then stood up and hugged her gently, "Just you."

She smiled and hugged you back as well, "By the way, my dear. What kind of dress do you wish to wear?"

Persistence (Genshin Impact- Ningguang x fem reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora