Chapter 67- Raiden Shogun

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"I-If you really want e-eternity so much....t-then why do you look so lonely and t-tired....?"

She looked at you wide-eyed for a moment then glared and moved her sword towards your cheek and made a cut on it, you hissed and struggled a bit then she clenched your jaw.

"Hmph, you have a pretty keen observation for a mere mortal...." she looked at the cut on your cheek which started to heal up and smirked.

"Or aren't a mortal at all. Let's test that, shall we?" 

She moved the sword towards your stomach now and stabbed you inside, you screeched in pain and bent down and pulled on the chains more, the moment she stabbed you was the exact moment Ningguang felt the strange discomfort, she couldn't pinpoint what made her feel that way but she immediately thought of you, you thought of her as well as you felt your consciousness fading away.


Blood started to drip down, Raiden clenched your jaw again and locked eyes with you, you could barely see her as your vision started to get blurry then you finally passed out. A few moments later the stab wound closed up, Raiden kept looking at you and waited for you to wake up but you weren't gaining consciousness.

"Hmph, a gifted yet weak body." 

She kept her thumb on your lips and parted them gently then inserted her tongue inside your mouth and sent a small charge inside which immediately made you wake up and you were surprised feeling her lips on yours. She parted and licked her lips lightly then clenched your jaw again.

"What is a being like you doing among mortals? You said I look lonely? Fine then, serve by my side for eternity and cure my loneliness." she said in a commanding tone.  

You were surprised by what she said then glared at her and said in a firm tone, "I can't do that Shogun-sama. I have already promised someone else that I'll be with her forever."

"Hahaha, you may have promised that you will be with her forever but can she, a mortal, be with you forever? Eventually, she'll leave this world and you'll be all alone, just like how you were at first when you came to this world. But I am eternal, if you pledge your loyalty to me then I will give you this noble and eminent body for all eternity." 

"You are wrong Shogun-sama. I'm not immortal like you Archons, I can die under certain conditions and I will never leave her. I promised to be with her forever just like how you have promised eternity to the people of Inazuma. I don't know what you mean by this eternity but my answer to your proposal is a firm no." 

She glared and tightened the grip on your jaw then suddenly dropped it forcefully, the domain space started to disappear and the chains binding you disappeared as well, you quickly picked up your sword and readied yourself but she came towards you and slashed on your stomach at the speed of lightning, you couldn't even see her coming and you kneeled down supporting yourself with your sword while she came towards you and kept the sword on your neck.

"Judgement shall be delivered now."  

She raised her sword and was about to slash you then Thoma threw a spear at her which made her step back and he immediately picked you up and both of you ran away from the place, some soldiers came to Raiden's side and asked her if they should follow you but she refused.

"Put up wanted posters of her. She can't escape Inazuma now. Capture her and bring her to me and none of you dare a lay a finger on her." she said to the soldiers who nodded and went away then she looked back at you running away.

"I will make you serve me for eternity, exception." she said and went back. 

Your legs lost their strength on the way and Thoma picked you up and went to Komore Teahouse where Ayaka was waiting for you, she gasped seeing you lie unconscious in Thoma's arms and covered in blood all over and immediately came to your side. 

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