Chapter 86- Final Day

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Author's Note: I felt Ningguang would be wearing slightly more modern clothes since we are in Fontaine :)


"I.....I can't believe my eyes and ears....did she really just say all that....?! L-Looking around....a-all these decorations....the lighting....the view of the Eiffel Tower on our side....these glaze lilies flying around me....t-this is all well planned....! W-Wait...! I-I need to compose myself and answer her....I brought the ring as well! T-That's right I have it too....!"

She swiftly walked to the room and as soon as she reached it she rested on the wall then crouched down on the floor holding her face which was bright red.

"O-Oh my Archons....! That was so heartwarming.....I-I wasn't expecting this much from her. I did have a feeling she was going to propose during this trip because she measured my finger that one night...b-but I wasn't ready to hear all that....! J-Just....for how long had she been planning all this....?! A-And when did she do all those decorations....? C-Could it be she did them last night while I was passed out from drinking....?!"

"Oh, dear Archons....she spent the entire night doing all this....! Not only this....but that small morning party as well....she decorated here too and cooked all those dishes early morning right after doing those preparations late at night then even went out for the sightseeing....I-I can't believe it....! This is too much for my heart....!"

She kept crouching down being a blushing mess all over then suddenly realized she left you standing there without saying anything and immediately got up and went to get the ring from her bag.

"Good thing I brought it here....I was going to propose as soon as we reached Liyue back but it seems she beat me to it....Hahh~ She actually got ahead of me for once....!"  

She took a few deep breaths and lightly patted her face then grabbed the ring and came back to the rooftop but was surprised to see your confused and sad face.

"O-Oh no...the way I walked away must have made her think I refused! I should clear things up quickly."

She took another deep breath then calmly walked towards you to give her answer. 

"My dear....I had signed this contract in my mind long ago...."


Both of you came back to your room and went to the bedroom, she gently pushed you down on the bed then laid beside you holding you close to herself and intertwined her fingers with yours and stroked your head.

"U-Um...Ning....are we not going to....?"

"Sleep for tonight, my dear. I know you were awake the entire night preparing all this then you even went for the outing, you must be tired."

You smiled then nudged closer to her, "B-By the come you had a ring too?"

"Well, truth be told I have had it for a while now. If you hadn't proposed right now then I would have done it sooner or later."

"W-What?! Really?"

She moved your chin up and smiled then nodded, your face became flushed then she chuckled and kissed you gently before parting and keeping her chin atop your head and caressing the back of your head again and you closed your eyes.

"My dear, it was very touching to hear you say all that, I was in a trance for a moment and didn't know how to respond. I can see the time and effort you spent on preparing all of this and I was very moved. This entire trip has been very relaxing and enjoyable for me and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for doing this."

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