Chapter 26- Fun and Games

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Both of you went out of the room and proceeded to walk towards the kitchen, you glanced around the Jade Chamber and saw that it was quite empty today.

"Have the secretaries not come yet?" you asked her as she walked in front of you.

"The day after the Lantern Rite is observed as a holiday for everyone to relax after a long and tedious week hence I gave the day off to the entire staff and I will also not work today."

She stopped then turned around and came closer to you.

"Today it's only the two of us here so we can do whatever we want and wherever we want~" she sneered then turned around.

"Though the staff being here doesn't make a significant difference either." she chuckled then continued to walk.

You blushed and followed her, you reached the dining area then she asked you to sit down and wait.

"Let me also help..." you protested.

"No need, my dear. Just sit tight and wait." she caressed your face then walked inside the kitchen.

You sat for a while but you didn't feel right letting her do all the work so you got up and walked inside. You saw her standing inside cutting some vegetables, she was wearing an apron and tied her hair into a ponytail. She looked back slightly and saw you then chuckled.

"Didn't I tell you to keep sitting? Are you that impatient to try my cooking?~"

"N-No I just wanted to help...I can't sit down and let you do everything..."

"Well if you insist....come here."

You walked to her side and looked at what she was doing, she took a spoonful from a bowl that seemed to contain some sort of sauce and brought it to your mouth.

"Taste this for me~" she smiled and extended the spoon towards you.

You blushed slightly then opened your mouth and sipped it, your face immediately lit up as the sauce hit your tongue, it was sweet and spicy and had just the right consistency.

" really good!"

"Let me try as well~" she slipped her tongue inside your mouth and swirled it around. She parted after a while then licked her lips.

"Hmm~ not bad..." she chuckled then continued to cut the vegetables.

Your face was flustered and you looked away, then you calmed down and looked back at her. You saw a bowl containing some dough, another with the sauce and there was a pan kept on the stove which was cooking meat.

"What are you making?"

"This is Qiankun Mora Meat, my special version of the Mora Meat dish you generally find all across Liyue."

"I see..." you said and stirred the meat in the pan.

She held your shoulders then pushed you out of the kitchen.

"Your work is done, now go and sit and I won't hear any ifs and buts."

She made you sit on the table and closed the door, you sighed then rested your head upon the top and waited for her. After 15 minutes she walked out with two plates in her hand and kept them on the table and sat beside you. You looked at the dish in awe, it was just Mora Meat but it looked highly sophisticated and had a rich smell.

"Well, eat right up." she said confidently.

You picked it up and the sauce oozed out as you squeezed the perfectly soft and waxy pastry, you took a bite and felt the flavors explode in your mouth. You had never eaten such a delicious Mora Meat before, it wasn't just an alternate version but felt like a completely different dish. The meat used was of the highest quality, it was almost gourmet styled Mora Meat. She smiled and looked at you savoring the dish, you got lost in the flavor that you forgot to tell her how it was.

Persistence (Genshin Impact- Ningguang x fem reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat