Chapter 2- Decision

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She was standing quite close, too close for comfort. Her ruby red eyes gazing into your eyes, her gloved thumb and index finger gripping your chin, lightly yet firmly and the claw attachment on her thumb grazing the bottom of your lower lip. Her left hand rested on top of the arm of your chair, her luscious red lips curled up from one side.

You realized you were blushing again and it was difficult to keep eye contact with her, you fidgeted slightly and averted your gaze which made her let go of your chin and stand back up, still sitting on the edge of the table with her arms folded.

"So? Tell me what will you do for Liyue in return?"

You took a deep breath then spoke.

"Lady Ningguang, just like in Mondstadt, I can register myself with the Adventure's Guild here and do commissions for the people of Liyue and help them. I cannot think of anything better to do for Liyue in return."

Ningguang thought for a moment then smirked and walked back to her side of the table. 

"Well then, let me rephrase my question. What will you do for me in return?"

You looked at her wide-eyed, not expecting to hear that.

"Uh...what do you mean by that, Lady Ningguang?"

Ningguang chuckled then sat down on her chair.

"Exactly what I said. I'm the one helping you look for your brother, not whole of Liyue therefore, I believe it is only appropriate that you pay me back."

Your eyes widened more and you felt nervous, you thought of the words Keqing said to you about how the Tianquan is a businesswoman, willing to do anything for profit. Was she thinking of using you to make profit? Were you going to be her next investment? You kept on thinking of possibilities of what she might want to do with you but couldn't think of anything then decided to stop thinking and listen to what she has in mind.

"Lady Ningguang, I don't believe there's anything I can do for you that you already can't do yourself but I'm willing to listen to what you have in mind."

"Alright, then I'll say it outright. I want you to become my bodyguard until the Rite of Descension."

You were taken by surprise once again and looked at her wide-eyed.

"L-Lady Ningguang, you already have so many guards around yourself and I believe you can hire more professional bodyguards than me who will be more than willing to protect you. Also, I don't mean to sound rude but I believe this will be unnecessary. I'd rather use the time I'm by your side to look for my brother."

Ningguang was surprised when you said that, she didn't expect you to refuse so quickly. People are generally very swift to agree to all of her suggestions and proposals as they know she has the upper hand on them but this was arguably the first time someone refused her, this made her more eager rather than backing down. She sneered then stood up once again and paced around the office with her arms crossed over her chest.

"First of all, I believe you are underestimating yourself, traveller. I'm well aware of your deeds in Mondstadt, the way you helped with the dragon, saved the city and can wield elemental powers without a vision. You are far more powerful than any bodyguard I can find in all of Teyvat."

Your face turned light shade of pink hearing that, many people had said these things to you in Mondstadt but for some reason, hearing it from the Tianquan of Liyue gave those words a whole different weight.

"Second, I can assure you I won't waste your time. Think about it, traveller, I can get you ahead in Liyue far more effectively and easily than anyone else. My connections reach far and wide, I won't let the time you are with me be unproductive."

Persistence (Genshin Impact- Ningguang x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now