Chapter 11- Two Souls

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"Hey, ojou-chan! I see your meeting was quite successful."

"I told you to stop calling me that, and yes it seems it worked. You didn't trick me, after all. I suppose The Fatui really aren't the bad guys as you all are made out to be."

"Haha, I'm glad you trust us now. Well then, onto the next part of our business. We know that the Exuvia has been hidden by the Qixing somewhere and they aren't letting anyone near it, not even to pay respects to it. I heard you were rather interested in talking to Rex Lapis yourself, were you not?"

For some reason, you weren't able to say yes right away. Something in your mind prevented you from agreeing. You looked away a little, feeling nervous and fidgeted slightly then sighed. 

"Y-Yes, I came here to meet him and ask him about certain things."

He sneered then moved a bit closer, "I can help you with that too."

"But first, rest for the day. It is already too late to go out now, you can rest in the upper floor rooms if you'd like."

"I would like to go back to the Jade Chamber and report to Lady Ningguang but I suppose I need to keep up the act for longer." you thought.

"Alright, I'll take up the offer." you said and went up.

He gave you a smile and walked out, you were still very suspicious of his actions but were too tired to do anything else for the day. You entered one of the rooms, it was surprisingly well maintained for a room situated inside a bank. You locked the door then came towards the bed and sat down on it, sighing and pondering about today's happenings but particularly about two things.

"Why did I get so furious hearing that he did indeed try to kill her....? I mean, I obviously don't want anybody to die just like any other normal human would but....I certainly did overreact there...."

"Then....why did I hesitate just now to answer him whether I want to meet Rex Lapis....? I have been looking for my brother for the past 3 months in this world....I'm also looking for a certain unknown God....that's all my purpose is in this world hence why I'm travelling around. Then why.....what made me unsure just now?"

You kept pondering and suddenly Ningguang's face appeared in your mind, taking you by surprise. You thought of her slender and elegant figure, her beautiful silvery hair, her ruby red eyes that look into your soul and capture you immediately, her luscious and soft red lips that have touched your face twice by now, her soothing velvety voice which says your name every so politely, the way she tenderly caresses your face from time to time, her smile which sends your heart racing every time, the sweet scent of her Silk Flower perfume and many more things about her.

Your face turned bright red as you thought of this and you laid down and hugged a pillow close to you.

"Have I.....fallen in love with her? This is bad....Not only that I'm becoming unsure of my goal but also....I don't deserve her. She's the Tianquan of Liyue, she has countless suitors in line for her who are much more well-off and established than me....I....I don't have anything to give her....People will surely think that I latched onto her because of her money. All I can do is fight.....Perhaps my position as her bodyguard is just right....I can never be anything more. She deserves someone much better, someone who will be there for her at all times and understand her, someone who will keep her safe and secure, someone who will never make her cry and will always love her....."

Suddenly, tears rolled down your eyes as you thought of this. You hugged the pillow tighter and closed your eyes, keeping all these thoughts aside and trying to sleep so that you wake up as your old self again, the self who only cares about finding her brother and nothing else but deep inside you, something had changed.

Persistence (Genshin Impact- Ningguang x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now