Chapter 80- Recovering

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In the morning after breakfast, you went to Northland Bank to talk to Signora and as usual, the receptionist let you go up without any restrictions. You reached her room and extended your hand to knock on it but stopped as you remembered that she had told you to come in as you please, you thought for a while and looked at the doorknob then extended your hand towards it but immediately took it back.

"W-What am I thinking?! That's so disrespectful!" you thought with a flustered face then sighed and were about to knock but the door opened before you could and Signora was standing in front of you with a smirk on her face.

"You should just come in rather than thinking so much, little tiger~" 

You blushed and looked away then she chuckled and held your hand and pulled you inside guiding you to the bed and making you sit beside her.

"So, I assume the purpose of your visit is to tell me how much of a telltale I was yesterday, hmm?" 

"N-No not that, in fact, I wanted to thank you...." 

Her eye widened and she swiftly turned to your side and looked at you in surprise, "You aren't angry that I told her in your place?"

"I'm not, I'm actually grateful that you did because it helped me be able to tell her myself and a huge weight was lifted from my mind." you said with a smile. 

"Although, I'm disappointed with myself that I wasn't strong enough to tell her and you had to push me but still I'm glad you did."

She looked at you in shock then her expression softened and she curled her lips up from one side and came closer to your face, "So that means..." she said in a flirty tone and slid her finger across your face, "She healed you yesterday, right?~" she slid her finger further down to your neck then to your chest, "That kind of healing?~"  she slid her finger on your stomach then on your thigh and stopped there, "You know....I would have offered to heal you as well~" she said while circling her finger on your thigh.

You gulped and moved your head back slightly, "Y-You did heal me somehow when you came to see me that night and gave me hope of escaping...."

She looked at you in shock once again then laughed lightly and removed her finger and moved away from you, "Well, I'm glad it all worked out in favor of both of you. So what will you do from now on, little tiger?" 

"W-Well her birthday is in 3 weeks so I'll start preparations for that...."

"Ara~ Knowing you, you must be planning something very special for her."

"Haha, I hope it will be..." you said nervously. 

She smiled softly then patted your head, "Don't worry, I'm sure she'll like whatever you do for her." 

You smiled back and nodded then asked, "Will you go back to Snezhnaya soon?"

"Yes, I'll leave tomorrow morning. I would have offered to help you in preparing for her birthday but there's a lot of work to do in Snezhnaya." she said with a sigh. 

"I-I see, it's alright the thought alone makes me happy enough. I'll come to see you off tomorrow."

She smiled then kept her palm on your face and kissed your cheek, "Thank you, little tiger. Are you doing better now?"

"Y-Yes, I was able to sleep quite peacefully yesterday. There were times when I felt uneasy but she would comfort me immediately so I didn't wake up in between."  

"I see, I'm glad then..." she pulled you into her embrace and caressed your head, "Don't let those things bother you too much now, you are my strong little tiger and always will be. I have faith in you." 

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