Chapter 42- Beach Fun

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Author's Note: No, there won't be another threesome. That pic is just for fun.

It was a perfect day to be at the beach, the sun shone brightly, the waves were calm and just the right amount of fierce, she held your hand and started dragging you towards the sea impatiently.

"N-Ning, aren't you more cheerful than usual today? Do you like the beach so much?"

"Hmm~ Well it's not that I like it in particular, it's just that I haven't been to one in a long time, years in fact, and...." she came closer to you and wrapped her arms around your neck, "I wanted to come with you...."

"D-Didn't you come here 2 months back with that man? He even proposed to you here...." you said while pouting a little and looking away.

"That doesn't count, my dear. It was for work-related purposes and I wasn't in the fun mood at all, but today it's the real deal. Every year ever since I became the Tianquan, there's some work or the other lined up during the summer and I'm always enclosed in my office but this year I had sworn that I would reserve one day to come to the beach with you but then this resort came up and the opportunity presented itself." she said while holding you and looking into your eyes.

You blushed then smiled and wrapped your arms around her waist, "Well then, let's enjoy ourselves to the fullest today..."

She smiled and gave you a quick kiss then both of you ran towards the sea together hand-in-hand, you giggled as soon as your feet touched the cool water, she went inside a bit further than you and stood in the water feeling it all over her body, her hair and skin glistened due to the sun shining on the water droplets on her body, you were lost looking at her then suddenly she held your hand and pulled you towards herself, you almost stumbled down but were caught by her and your face landed between her breasts.

"Ara~ Aren't you the impatient one here?~" she said teasingly while caressing your head.

"I-I'm sorry, I just slipped!" you said with a flushed face and stepped back.

She laughed then started splashing water on your face, you splashed back some water on her too and both of you were laughing and playing this way then after a while a voice called out to you from the shore.

"Hey, you two! If you are done flirting then come and play beach volleyball with us, we need 2 more players!"

You looked towards the direction of the voice and saw Keqing waving at you and Ganyu stood beside her smiling, you looked at Ningguang who nodded then both of you went to their side. You got divided into 2 teams using the pick the straw method with team 1 being you and Keqing and team 2 being Ganyu and Ningguang, you stood at the opposite sides of the net in your pairs and readied yourself.

"Can we use our powers?" you asked with a smirk.

"Let's hold back for this round." said Ganyu.

"Won't it be unfair for them if we used our powers since you can control 2 elements so that's essentially 3 vs 2? Not to mention, Ningguang isn't much of a sports person." said Keqing teasingly.

"You underestimate me Keqing. You know what? Let's not hold back, let's use our powers profoundly~" said Ningguang while waving jades around her.

"Are you fine with me using both of my powers? Or should I hold back and just use one of them?~" you said with a smirk while looking at her.

"Go all out, my dear~"

Both of you looked at each other undauntingly, Keqing and Ganyu sighed then nodded.

"Listen, we have the advantage of speed over them. Control the ball using your anemo powers and make it go high as much as possible, I'll use my electro powers and quickly move in the air and do high shots. In between use your geo constructs to position ourselves. Is this strategy fine with you?" said Keqing in your ear.

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