Chapter 78- The Truth

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The music started and both of you began to dance, you kept looking down at your feet for a while then once you got used to the steps you looked at her with confidence. She smiled then eventually let you take the lead, she didn't say anything but you could tell from her movements that she wants you to be more passionate. The waltz dance is known to be legendary for its lovely, elegant, rise-and-fall action, it's not a simple romantic dance, it's supposed to be glamorous and heated, it's a travel to the ends of the world to reunite with your loved one type of dance which coincidentally fitted you both a lot at the moment, or perhaps it wasn't a coincidence and Ningguang had planned it. 

You did what she wanted you to, you turned and swayed her around in a passionate yet graceful manner, both of you kept on dancing around the room and didn't realize how much time had passed. The music kept on going and so did you both, your breathing became faster and you started to sweat slightly, she also looked to be in a similar state but both of you still didn't want to stop. You turned her around roughly and hugged her from behind and lightly kissed on her neck while she kissed on the side of your head then you turned her towards yourself again, the feeling of your bodies sticking closely and both of you breathing into each other was addicting.

The music started to slow down so you got ready to do the final step, the dip. She sneered then let go of her hand which was intertwined with yours and wrapped both her arms around your neck and raised her right leg up to your waist, you gently held her leg with your left hand and firmly kept your right hand around her back then dipped her down just at the moment the music stopped. Both of you remained in that position for a while and gazed at each other while sweating and panting.

"D-Did that cover all the places he touched you?" 

"All of that and more~" 

You chuckled then brought her back up and softly let go of her leg, she still had her arms wrapped around your neck and you wrapped your arms around her waist now and both of you gazed into each other's eyes then came closer and kissed gently, she parted then caressed your face and hugged you and said in a soft voice, "My dear, I know what happened with you in Inazuma."

You froze up as soon as she said that and asked nervously, "D-Did Signora tell you just now?" 

"Yes, but only because I asked her to."

She parted from the hug and looked at you with a smile and kept her palm on your face, "But, I want you to tell me what happened yourself and how you felt."

You looked at her wide-eyed then looked down and nodded, she held your hand and guided you towards the bed and both of you sat beside each other and she intertwined her hand with yours.

"I-I really did roam around the first 9 days just the way I told you, I explored Narukami Island completely and was ready to go to Kannazuka next then...."

You told her about the incident with Thoma and how you were chained, electrocuted and stabbed by Raiden inside her domain and how she asked you to stay with her for eternity. 

"It seems the head shrine maiden, Yae-sama told Shogun-sama about me and she was waiting to test me and see what my abilities were. Once she saw my stab wound heal up she ordered me to pledge loyalty to her but I refused which angered her then she was about to kill me it seems but I was saved by Thoma then we fled from there...."

Next, you told her that you escaped with Thoma and had to train the Resistance Army for the next 10 days but then the base was attacked and you were captured by the Shogunate Army.

"Training the Resistance Army wasn't as bad as I expected it to be, they all simply wanted to protect the people of Inazuma and were enthusiastic about learning, I was going to train them for 10 days and then return to Liyue but the base was attacked on the last day by the Shogunate Army and I was captured by them and the next thing I knew I was in that secluded room and my arms were held to my sides using some chains. I think Signora told you what sort of chains they were...?" you questioned her and she nodded. 

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