Chapter 10- Apart

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You laid down on the bed, wondering what to do. What role does Ninggaung want you to play in this whole plan of hers? It was already difficult to figure out her motives when one is around her but almost next to impossible to figure them out like this.

"Hmm, maybe I should just stay here for the time being and let the events unfold. The opportunity will show up itself." you pondered while looking at the barred window on the ceiling.

Several hours passed without anything happening. Eventually, a guard or two would come and check on you and then go away without saying anything. It was awfully quiet and boring, there was literally nothing to do. 

You wondered how come there's nobody else in the prison, if they had apprehended some other suspects then those should be here as well. You racked your brains a little, trying to possibly get a hold of Ningguang's thought process.

"In the first place, how long has this prison existed? I don't remember coming across it earlier. Did they possibly put it up in a hurry due to the sudden turn of events? If yes, then that still doesn't explain where the rest of the prisoners are. Wait, don't tell me I'm the only one they suspect so much as to put in prison?!"

You thought of more possibilities but none of them seemed to connect well then you eventually gave up and closed your eyes, trying to get a nap. It was now 7 pm, you heard some water splashing sounds outside, you got up and looked at the ceiling. Then the bars on the window were suddenly cut open and a man appeared.

"This opportunity is quite hard to come by, isn't that right, ojou-chan?" the man said.

You looked with your eyes widened, it was that Fatui Harbinger, Tartaglia. You got up and looked at him in surprise.

"What are YOU doing here? And wait, did you just cut those bars like butter?!" you asked bewildered.

"Haha water can cut even the hardest of stones if struck right, these bars are no big deal." he laughed and waved his water blades.

"Now come, before the rest of the guards get alerted." he said and extended a rope towards you.

"Huh?! Why should I trust you? God knows where you'll take me and what you'll do to me. I'd rather stay here than go with you!" you protested.

"Now now~ don't have your guard up so much, ojou-chan. I'll tell you everything you want to know but first please come up, we need to hurry." he extended the rope more.

"This better be what Lady Ningguang wants me to do." you thought and eventually climbed up.

He took you by your arms and both of you ran away from the ruins, no guard was alerted, almost making it seem too simple. You ran over Mt Tianheng and reached the harbor.

"Wait, what are we doing here? I'm a wanted criminal accused of killing Rex Lapis, everyone has seen my face in the harbor, I can't just enter like this." you whispered to him.

"Don't worry, we'll be using the secret pathway to enter Northland Bank. I suppose you are well aware of the bank being Fatui territory so no one dares to bat an eye on it." he replied.

"Wait, shouldn't that be more reason to keep an eye on it?" you thought.

Both of you entered the bank a few moments later, the rest of The Fatui greeted Tartaglia and went back to their own work. He took you upstairs and sat on a corner table and signaled you to sit as well. You were reluctant at first but sighed and sat down.

"Now then, tell me what's your deal, Mr Harbinger?"

"Please just call me Childe, ojou-chan."

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