Chapter 49- The Trial

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The Jury existed of the Qixing members headed by the old lady you met before, normally it would have been Ningguang who would have headed or Keqing in place of her but both of them were representing the victim's side. The news of the incident had spread far and wide in Liyue and it seemed that everyone came to witness the trial, there were so many people that the entire room was filled to the brim and there was still another crowd standing outside of the room and another which was outside the building altogether. The Millelith were working hard to keep everyone in order as the people were quite restless, they all were fuming with anger knowing what had happened to their Tianquan and couldn't wait to hear the verdict.

The Jury indicated the start of the trial by calling Ningguang and the man in the witness boxes, Yanfei got up and went up front and began her argument.

"Respected Jury, a grave crime has happened in Liyue and with our very own Tianquan. 3 days ago on the night of the grand opening of the newly-built beach resort, Tianquan Ningguang was drugged and then chained up in a room where she was about to be assaulted by a man who she treated as a guest and respected him." said Yanfei.

"May I ask you to present the evidence that she was drugged?" said the man's lawyer.

"We called the head pharmacist of Bubu Pharmacy, Dr Baizhu who examined Tianquan Ningguang's body and found traces of a foreign substance that renders the taker unconscious for a short while. We have already submitted the prescription to the Jury." said Yanfei.

"What evidence do you have that she was drugged by my client? It could have been anyone present in the resort there." said the lawyer.

"We collected each and every glassware in the resort and asked Dr Baizhu to examine them and he found traces of that same substance inside a glass which had Tianquan Ningguang's finger and mouth prints on it. He also tested for the contents of that glass and discovered a foreign wine was poured in it then we found another glass that had traces of that wine as well. Among all the glasses only these 2 glasses had traces of this wine, we looked up what wine it was and found out that it was a wine manufactured only in Fontaine, namely the nation of your client." said Yanfei.

"That still doesn't explain that my client was the one who gave her that wine, there were more people present from Fontaine there, it could have been one of them." said the lawyer.

"Tianquan Ningguang and your client were sitting at the same table during the banquet, in her statement, she stated that a waiter kept those 2 glasses filled with the wine in front of them. Your client picked up the other glass and said he brought it from Fontaine for her to try, he drank from his glass but nothing happened to him because the drug was only on Tianquan Ningguang's glass and not inside the wine. We have the statement of the waiter confirming that he was indeed asked by your client to drug her glass, we can also call him here in front of the Jury and confirm the same." said Yanfei.

"The Jury approves and calls him to the witness box." said the old lady.

The waiter walked out and stood in the box and took the oath then Yanfei went to him.

"Sir, can you please confirm that the man standing in that box was indeed the one who asked you to drug Tianquan Ningguang's glass?" said Yanfei.

"Yes, that sir met me 2 hours before the banquet was about to begin and handed me an expensive-looking wine bottle and a small bottle saying that I should serve it in 2 glasses later at night and that I should put a few drops from that small bottle in one glass and serve it to the other person sitting with him. He also gave me some money and said that I should not tell anybody about this, had I known that it was a drug and that I was serving Tianquan Ningguang then I wouldn't have dared to do this act, please forgive me Tianquan Ningguang!! I'm just a small-time worker who got the opportunity to work at that resort, I would never think of doing anything like this to you even in my dreams!!" said the waiter and kneeled down crying.

Persistence (Genshin Impact- Ningguang x fem reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα