Chapter 40- A Day Out

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Author's note: I felt a need to mention this to prevent any misunderstandings- Traveler is 22 years old(in this book) and from what we know Ningguang is around 27-29 years old so yeah it's all fine and legal and if ya'll want an age for the man then he's around 33-35 years old and I won't give him a full name cause he doesn't deserve it, Laurent is his family name.

Another month passed and the construction of the resort was finally complete and the launch ceremony was in 2 days, it was evening time and Ningguang was sitting in her office then Keqing came to report to her about the ceremony and its proceedings.

"Alright we have started the preparations, you will be the one to cut the inaugural ribbon." said Keqing and Ningguang nodded.

You were passing by at that and heard a bit of their conversation and entered her office, both of them smiled upon seeing you then Keqing excused herself and went away. You walked in and sat at one of the chairs facing Ningguang and looked at her.

"Congratulations on the successful construction of the resort." you said with a smile.

"It isn't over yet, there are still many things to look after." she said with a sigh.

"No but I'm sure it'll all go well since you and Keqing kept such a close eye on it."

She chuckled then got up from her chair and came to your side and stood beside you leaning on the table and crossed her arms.

"Do you have a swimsuit, my dear?" asked Ningguang while raising an eyebrow.

"N-No I don't. Didn't really feel the need to buy one, why do you ask though?"

"Well, the launch ceremony is going to last for a full day, since it's a beach resort so everyone invited for the launch gets a complimentary stay for the whole day and gets the chance to experience a beach holiday. The ribbon-cutting will be done in the morning then after that everyone is free to visit the beach and have fun; breakfast, lunch, and dinner are all included and dinner will be a special banquet."

"O-Oh I see...." you said to her.

"Wait, does that mean I get to see her in a swimsuit?!" you thought and glanced at her and imagined her wearing one then blushed and mentally slapped yourself, "snap out of such indecent thoughts me! I have already seen her naked so many times, this is just a swimsuit!"

She looked at your flustered face then chuckled and got up from the table and leaned on your chair and came closer to your face.

"I suppose it is time to go for some shopping, my dear~" she said with a smirk.

"T-There's no need for that, I'll just wear one of my regular clothes. It's only for a few hours..." you said with a slight blush and looked away.

She held your chin and moved your face towards herself and looked into your eyes, "That won't do, it's the peak of summer so we will be playing in the water a lot, it's better to wear a proper swimsuit. Don't worry, I'll make sure that you find one to your liking~"

You nodded then the next evening both of you went to the marketplace and entered a clothes shop, it looked quite big and fancy from outside and there were various kinds of clothes available there and they all looked quite expensive. 

You looked around in awe at all the elegantly designed clothes then she held your hand and pulled you to the swimsuit section of the shop which was situated on the second floor. She asked all the staff to leave you two alone then started looking at all the different sections of swimsuits and picked out some that she liked and handed them over to you to try.

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