Chapter 85- The Question

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Inside the carriage, she rested her head on your shoulder with her eyes closed and one arm wrapped around your neck, you gently moved her hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead then gazed at her lovingly. You reached the hotel and supported her while walking to your room, once you were inside the room you took her to the bedroom and made her sit on the bed then walked to your bag and took out a change of clothes for her.

"Ning, get changed then sleep. You are drunk and tired."

She looked at you sheepishly then wrapped her arms around your neck and pulled you down on the bed and came on top of you and looked at you lustfully.

"Oh, dear Archons...not again..." you sighed then wrapped your arms around her and swiftly turned around pinning her on the bed.

"Ning, sleep now."

"I want to make love to you tonight, my dear~" she said in a drunk voice and you blushed then sighed and got yourself out of her grip and stood up then said in a low voice, "Save it for tomorrow....hopefully...."

"Hah~ Good thing I asked Mr Laurent to keep the party today, now I can go and prepare...." 

You glanced back at her and she was already asleep now, you removed her footwear and accessories and put the blanket over her then went to the rooftop. The staff had already put up the decorations as promised by them, you started your own preparations and spent the entire night decorating the rooftop. You saw faint sunlight coming up and realized it's morning so you immediately went back to your room and started preparing a cake and some dishes, while the cake was baking you decorated your room as well.

At 9 am she squinted her eyes open and sat up holding her head then glanced around to look for you but didn't find you. Instead, on the bedside table was a glass of water along with some medicine and a note that stated her to come to the kitchen area after having the medicine. She smiled then drank the water and started walking out, she looked at all the decorations and blushed slightly then reached the kitchen area and suddenly a pop sound was heard and some frills fell on her from the top then you came in front of her and exclaimed happily.


She blushed more then smiled and you held her hand and guided her to the dining table and made her sit on one of the chairs while you brought the cake and other dishes that you prepared and kept them all on the table. She was astonished seeing so many different dishes, they were all her favorite dishes and looked very delicious.

"M-My dear, when did you get the time to prepare all this....?"

"Ah, don't pay heed to small things like that. Now go on and cut the cake!"

She smiled then blew on the candles and started cutting the cake while you sang the birthday song for her, she cut a piece and fed it to you and you did the same to her.

"Oh my, this is really delicious. Did you make it yourself?" she asked and you nodded.

Her smile widened then she hugged you and kissed you gently then you served the dishes to her and asked her to eat, she happily did so while you went back to your room and took out a small box which contained the gift you had prepared in Liyue. You came back and sat beside her then ate as well, after eating you gave her the box and she unwrapped it right there and gasped in joy seeing the gift which was a hand-carved jade ornament.

"My dear....this is beautiful....thank you so much...."

She hugged you all of a sudden and you leaned on the table slightly from the force of her hugging you, she caressed your cheek then kissed you soon after. The kiss was filled with passion and heat as she licked your lips and slipped her tongue in and rolled it with yours. You pulled her closer and kissed back deeply as well, she moaned and gasped in between the kiss then kissed your cheek and finally stopped and looked at you lovingly. 

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