Chapter 75- Back Home II

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After you ran off to the Jade Chamber Keqing stood at the harbor and glanced at the ship you came from and noticed Signora and Childe walking out of it along with Fatui agents.

"Those 2 Harbingers....Why did she come back in a Fatui ship....?" pondered Keqing.

Keqing went up to them to ask what was going on, Childe sighed and left the talking to Signora and went away then both Keqing and Signora went to the teahouse and sat at a secluded table to talk. 

"Tell me now. Why did she come back with you all and not in a normal ship?" said Keqing firmly.

"You won't believe if I said that ours was the only ship leaving at that time and since we are close so I agreed to give her a lift?" said Signora. 

"I won't. If that was the case then she could have simply waited for some time for another ship. Not to mention, she came back quite early. There's no way she covered all of Inazuma in just 25 days."  

"Heh~ You think she can't come back because she was missing Tianquan Ningguang?"

"I can understand that reasoning but I know she loves traveling and this kind of opportunity won't come again so I was sure she'll explore everything this time only." 

"Hah~ Fine Yuheng, I'll tell you but do not mention this to anyone, especially not to Tianquan Ningguang." 

Signora proceeded to tell what had happened with you, she told everything starting from your first fight with the Raiden Shogun then how you went to train the Resistance Army and finally ended up being held captive inside Tenshukaku and being treated very badly there and then were saved by her. Keqing looked at her wide-eyed as she told everything and couldn't believe the horrors you experienced.

"I see....this is....this is unacceptable...." said Keqing while trembling a little.

"S-She went there to simply explore and ended up like that....Oh, my Archons...."

Keqing gulped down a glass of water to calm herself down then cleared her throat and looked firmly at Signora, "Well, I thank you for helping her and bringing her back."

"I do not want your gratitude Yuheng. I simply ask you all to take care of her, she is quite traumatized but is hiding it all behind a smile. I doubt she will be able to tell Tianquan Ningguang all these things so easily, I have a feeling she'll end up keeping it a secret...." said Signora with a sigh. 

"Yes I can see her doing that....but it isn't our place to interfere between them...." said Keqing while looking down.

"I know it isn't but....if she drags it for too long then I won't hesitate to tell Tianquan Ningguang everything. She deserves to know and y/n deserves to be loved by her and have her scars healed." said Signora firmly and Keqing nodded.

At your side, you sat in the bath and gave a sigh of relief, "Finally....I'm back here...." 

You closed your eyes and rested on the edge of the bath and dipped inside a bit more, you sat this way for a while but suddenly the bitter memories of Inazuma rushed through your mind. The memories of being chained up in that empty room with nothing but the sunlight and moonlight accompanying you at times, the memories of all those times Raiden made cuts on your body and then touched you just for fun. 

You had happy memories as well, like the time spent with Ayaka and the Resistance Army but for some reason, these memories did not reoccur at all and you kept on remembering the bad ones. Your breathing became haphazard and tears rolled down your eyes thinking of all these things, you dipped inside the bath completely and tried to forget it all then came back again and panted.

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