Chapter 87- Back to Usual

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The same day during the evening, both of you were standing at the main deck of the ship beside each other and gazing at the sunset.

"N-Ning, I was just wondering about something...." you said shyly.

"Hmm? What is it, my dear?" 

"I-I feel like you were aware that I was going to propose during the that true?"

She chuckled then turned towards you and kept her palm on your cheek, "Well, you did measure my finger that one night. Why else would you do that if not for this purpose?"

"W-Wait! You knew about that?! Weren't you sleeping?"

"You were fidgeting and struggling to position yourself to get a better look at the number in the dark, anybody would wake up from that especially someone like me who is used to staying up late at night so naturally, I don't go into a deep sleep because there can be emergencies anytime." 

"I-I see....I thought I was quiet enough....Also, when did you measure my finger...?"

She chuckled again then intertwined her hand with yours and played with your fingers, "I don't need a tape to measure your finger, my dear~"

You blushed then said with a sigh, "Of course you don't, Tianquan Ningguang~" 

Both of you giggled lightly then gazed back at the setting sun holding hands together. You glanced at her glowing face from the side and felt enchanted then tightened your hold on her hand and looked forward again. She glanced at you as well and smiled then pecked your cheek suddenly, taking you by surprise.

"So, was the trip worth taking a whole week off from work?" you asked teasingly.

She smirked then turned towards you and held your face then came near your ear to whisper, "I knew from the beginning it was going to be~"

The next day, at night the ship finally docked at Liyue harbor and everyone gathered around to welcome you both. Keqing came in front of you and looked at you with a smile, she glanced at Ningguang's hand and saw the ring then grinned and came near your ear and whispered, "So, I take everything went well?"

You smiled and nodded at her then she congratulated you and the 3 of you came back to the Jade Chamber and were greeted by Ganyu and the rest of the secretaries. The secretaries took away your belongings and kept them in your room while the 4 of you sat at the dining table to have dinner.

"Congratulations on the engagement Lady Ningguang and y/n." said Ganyu with a smile.

"So, when will be the wedding ceremony?" asked Keqing. 

You became flustered and looked at Ningguang, her face also turned red slightly and she looked at you too then at Keqing, "Well, we'll talk about it."

"Don't keep us waiting for too long now. Everyone is eagerly waiting to attend it." 

You looked at Ningguang and saw slight discomfort on her face after Keqing said that, the 4 of you had dinner then Keqing and Ganyu went back to their homes while you and Ningguang went to your room and unpacked your things then laid down on the bed to sleep. You saw that Ningguang was in a daze while stroking your hair and you became slightly worried.

"Are you alright? Don't take Keqing's words to heart, we don't have to rush it."

Ningguang smiled then kissed your forehead and pulled you closer, "I'm not against having it soon, I'm just....."

You looked at her and waited for her to continue but she didn't say anything then you sighed and kept your palm on her face, "It's alright, we can talk about it later. Let's sleep now, we have to do a lot of work from tomorrow."  

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