Chapter 63- Shrine Visit II

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After lunch Ayaka took you to the rest of the parts of the city, today she only covered the main city area and said she'll take you to the rest of the Narukami Island in the next few days, as you were walking around you noticed a big castle in the city.

"Say Ayaka, who lives in that castle?" 

"Oh, my apologies I didn't tell you the most important thing. That castle is Tenshukaku, the place where Shogun-sama resides and watches over all of Inazuma, the HQ of the Tenryou Commission is also located inside Tenshukaku."

"Do you think....Shogun-sama knows about me being here...? you asked nervously.

"I....I'm not sure. You came inside by going through all the legal procedures and you don't have a vision so I doubt she sees you as a threat...." replied Ayaka after thinking for a while.

You stood there and gazed at the castle, it almost felt as if the castle....or someone inside it gazed back at you with her fierce violet eyes, examining you right down to your very core. Shivers went down your body as you felt her piercing gaze then Ayaka budged your shoulder slightly making you come back to your senses, you looked at her and she smiled then gently held your hand.

"M-My apologies if you don't like this. I-I'm not too sure how friends are supposed to act in situations like this...." she said shyly.

You chuckled then held her hand back and smiled, "Do you not have many friends?"

"T-This is embarrassing to admit but yes I don't. As a matter of fact, Thoma is my only friend, do you find it weird that I don't have friends despite being such a prominent figure in the city?"

"No, I don't. Actually, I can understand why you don't have friends. Being the eldest daughter of such a famous Clan you have a lot of responsibilities and duties to uphold, I have only seen you for a day but I can tell that you love all the people very dearly and take care of them, you strive for perfection in everything you do, I suppose that is how you have been brought up."

She blushed as you said all that and nodded shyly.

"Well then, it is natural that the other girls of your age find you a bit unapproachable, it is not your fault that they think this way. Your duty is to uphold your family's name and you are doing that properly, you will definitely find people who will have the courage to look beyond this side of yours and try to become friends with you." you said with a smile.

"P-People like you...?" she said with a blush and tightened the grip on your hand.

You blushed and looked away, there was an awkward silence between you two for a while then she spoke.

"H-How did you understand all that after being with me just for a single day...?" 

"Ah well, I don't mean to sound rude when I say this but this is kind of like how my lover, the Tianquan of Liyue is. Being a woman of such a high status she has never come across people who wanted to be with her for genuine reasons...." 

"....I suppose you were the first one to understand her and love her...." said Ayaka hesitantly and you nodded shyly.

"I see...." she said and let go of your hand and proceeded to walk back to the estate and you followed her.

It was already evening now and you were supposed to go to the shrine for the ceremony, Ayaka wasn't coming with you as she had other matters to attend to and she couldn't leave the estate unattended at night in the absence of her brother so you dropped her at the estate and proceeded to go atop Mt Yougou. Once again you looked at all the strange electrical phenomena around it and felt shivers in your body just like before, you calmed yourself down and finally reached the top and entered the shrine.

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