Chapter 64- Intertwining

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You were nervous feeling her body so close to you, she smelled like sakura and that alone was intoxicating enough.

"U-Um Yae, how do you plan to see that...?"

"There is a method that some people including Mikos like me know of, I'll be using that~" she said and turned you towards herself then came on top of you and held your face.

"P-Please let me inform you that I'm in a relationship with someone from Liyue so please refrain from using any....inappropriate methods...." you said and looked away.

"Ara~ My apologies in advance then but there isn't any other method so you'll have to bear with it for a while. Now hold your tongue out please~" she said with a sneer and came closer to your face. 

You frowned slightly and did as she said, she held her tongue out as well then came closer and touched her tongue with yours. As soon as your tongues touched a spark of electricity, real electricity, traveled inside your body making you flinch, you tried to get your tongue back in but she held your face and kept rolling her tongue with yours sending more sparks in and without realizing your body send back sparks to her, both of you exchanged sparks this way for a while and your faces became red then suddenly you felt a strong charge and your body instinctively reacted with a stronger one which made her surprised and she finally let go and looked at you ecstatically with a reddened face, a string of saliva connected your mouths which broke away as she licked her lips, both of you looked at each other while panting and gasping.  

"I knew it, my intuition was correct...." she said while caressing your face.

"D-Did you just....send real electricity.....inside me....?" you asked while panting.  

"I did, this method can only be used by people having electro visions....or electro powers like you. All we have to do is send a light spark inside the person then the person will return a spark as well, the voltage of the spark sent by the person depends on their own potential. I started with a very minute charge and so did your body, then I kept increasing it gradually and your body did as well then I sent the highest charge permissible and surprisingly your body returned an even higher charge than mine." 

"S-So what does that m-mean....?"

"That you have what it takes to change the tide of times~" 

She sneered then got up from your waist and laid beside you holding you close to her chest and caressed your head while holding you.

"My apologies if that hurt you, I understand this method isn't painless but the other forms of this method are even more dangerous."

"N-No it didn't hurt much, I was just surprised by the sudden shocks. Say, what did you mean earlier....?" you asked with a slight blush.

"Do you remember today's encounter with my old friend?" 

"Y-Yes of course I do, that was the first time I saw her...." 

"I noticed that the two of you looked at each other for a while, she didn't avert her gaze and neither did you. Tell me, what did you think when your eyes were locked with hers?"

"W-Well, she seemed.....lonely. Her eyes seemed devoid of all life and she looked....tired. The path to eternity must be a difficult and lonely road, just what is her reason for following it....?"

"Hmm~ You really are different. Now tell me, do you really think you can leave here by not coming in her way? Your fates are already intertwined now~" 

"Hah~ I hope I can but I can see all of you clearly want me to interfere....I don't understand what you all see in me, just because I beat up a Fatui Harbinger and helped defeat a dragon doesn't mean I can go and fight your Archon, her power far exceeds mine even if I use 3 elements...."

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