Chapter 70- Captured

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It was now the last day of you training the Resistance Army, you had packed all your stuff and were ready to go back tomorrow morning. It was afternoon right now and you were giving them some final tips and advice then suddenly a loud siren noise resonated inside the base and the soldiers situated at the watchtowers started shouting.

"Shogunate Army has discovered the base! They have surrounded it from all sides and are breaching the frontlines! We need all men to defend the base!" 

The Shogunate Army led by Kujou Sara attacked all fronts, her main objective was to capture you so she waited for you to come out. All the men started going their battle positions and a fierce battle ensued between both the armies, you stood still inside the base and watched them all fight. Your hands trembled seeing all the bloodshed, even though you had trained them quite hard they weren't ready for this all-out frontal attack. You saw your own disciples getting slaughtered and you just couldn't stay still any longer, you summoned your sword and went to the middle of the battlefield and started fighting.

"Sensei! You came to save us?!" shouted Teppei.

"Of course I did, I can't stand still in a situation like this!"

"Our victory is confirmed if sensei is fighting along!" exclaimed another soldier.

"Now don't get so carried away all of you! Focus and use the techniques I taught you." you shouted while slashing at a Shogunate.   

Sara saw you come out and indicated another group of the Shogunate Army to start surrounding you, you were busy fighting and didn't notice them gathering around you. Once you noticed and looked around, you were surrounded by almost 50 Shogunates, they started coming at you one-by-one and you fought them off but there was no end to them.

"Y/n! Please hold on, we are coming!" shouted Gorou from one side while fighting shogunates.

"Sensei! We'll aid you!" shouted Teppei.

"No! Stay back and protect the base all of you, I can handle them!" you shouted back. 

They tried to come to you but were held back by more shogunates, as you kept fighting the group surrounding you suddenly an arrow impaled your chest causing you to stop and falter a few steps back.

"W-Where did this come from....?" you looked around while trying to take the arrow out. 

You took the arrow out and threw it away, the wound closed up immediately and you continued to fight.

"I see, so this is why Shogun-sama wants you so much." thought Sara while charging another arrow, this time she enhanced it with her electro powers and shot it.

The arrow impaled closer to your heart this time and sent electrical charges inside your body, you tried to take it out but your vision started to get blurry, the Shogunates came at you all together and you gritted your teeth and kicked the ground causing walls to emerge out using your geo powers, they were all pushed back but not for too long.

"J-Just what sort of arrow is this...?!" you thought while taking the arrow out but your body started to lose strength.

"I-It seems there's some sort of spell on it...." you took the arrow out but soon passed out and fell on the ground. 

"Y/n!" shouted Gorou and tried to fight his way to reach you but couldn't.

Sara came in front of you and you looked at her with barely open eyes, she ordered the shogunates to tie your arms and legs and take you to Raiden while she stayed back and dealt with the Resistance. They did as she said and soon you were tied up and being carried to Tenshukaku, you were unconscious the whole way and the next time you gained consciousness was when you felt electrical sparks going inside your mouth, you opened your eyes and they were met with the familiar lonely violet eyes you had come to know during your stay at Inazuma.

Persistence (Genshin Impact- Ningguang x fem reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin