Chapter 84- First Day

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Mrs Audrey escorted you to the courtyard which was decorated with various kinds of flowers you had never seen before, she sat at the table situated in the middle of the courtyard and asked you to sit down as well. You sat in front of each other then the maids poured the tea for you both and served snacks as well, you took a sip from the tea and your face lit up.

"Ma'am, may I ask what flavour this is?"

"Why of course, this is chamomile. Is it to your liking?"

"Yes, it is quite delicious."

She smiled then drank her tea, she offered you the snacks which you gladly accepted.

"Traveler y/n, may I ask you something?"

"Yes please, go ahead."

"Are you going to marry Tianquan Ningguang?"

The question took you by surprise and you almost dropped your teacup, you composed yourself then put the teacup down and looked at her firmly.

"I do plan to propose to her on her birthday day after tomorrow. I'm not sure whether she'll accept but yes I plan to do it. Why do you ask this, ma'am?"

"Well, I was hoping to have my son marry her. The way he talks about her all the time, I can't help but feel he likes her. And now that I have met her in person, I can see why he's so charmed by her. I know my older son had the wrong approach but my younger son isn't like that and I also support him. Hence, I was hoping if both of you are simply dating then I'd like to bring this up with her." 

You looked at her wide-eyed then clenched your fists slightly and thought for a moment then looked back at her firmly, "I'm serious about her ma'am, I won't give her up to anyone. Even if she refuses my proposal at first, I won't back down."

She looked into your eyes for a while and saw how determined you were then chuckled, "Alright, traveler y/n. I won't talk to her about this. I wish you good luck with the proposal, is there any way I can assist you with that?" 

"Actually yes you can. there a flower shop here that sells glaze lilies?"

"Yes, there is one just around the corner of the hotel you are staying in. They aren't natural obviously but they are quite well-bred." 

You smiled and thanked her then continued to drink your tea while she asked you to tell you about yourself and your adventures. At Ningguang's side, she reached the National Court and sat in the front row of the audience while Mr Laurent went to meet his son and wish him luck, he told his son that she was here and he was very excited to meet her. Mr Laurent came back and sat beside Ningguang then the trial began soon after, Mr Laurent pointed that the lawyer on the defense side is his son and Ningguang nodded.

After the trial, his son came up to him and Mr Laurent patted his back and congratulated him on winning the case then introduced him to Ningguang.

"Tianquan Ningguang, this is Victor. My one and only son and a big fan of you."

Victor gently held Ningguang's palm then bowed and kissed the top of it, "It is my pleasure to finally meet you Tianquan Ningguang. I have eagerly waited for this day to arrive."

Ningguang smiled and took her hand back, "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance as well. I witnessed the trial and I must praise your argument skills though there are a few areas where you can still improve upon."

"I-It would be an honor to learn from you, Tianquan Ningguang!" exclaimed Victor while bowing. 

"Then, I suggest we go back home and both of you can discuss there." suggested Mr Laurent and Ningguang nodded.

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