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Even if the little villain wants to leave, but she can't let it go, what if he accidentally turns black?

Therefore, always pay attention to him, care about him, and put him on the cusp of her heart.

Seeing her look expectant, Rong Si nodded seriously, "I will miss you."

He had never said anything like this to anyone, and Sister Xiaojiu was the first.

Su Jiu smiled at him again, then pointed to the crane machine, and asked excitedly: "Brother, which doll do you like, I will clip it for you!"

Although she has never clamped a doll, Rong Si also knows that clamping this requires skill. Can she be such a small one?

But he didn't say it. Instead, he looked at the doll machine and pointed to the doll that seemed to be the easiest to clip, "This is it."

Su Jiu glanced at it. It was a green dinosaur. It looked ugly, but since it was appointed by the little villain, she must catch it for him!

Before she transmigrated through here, she still played a claw machine and mastered some skills. So Su Jiu has confidence in herself, even if her body became smaller, she still has the skills!

"Okay! Look at me!" Su Jiu flexed her hands, and after inserting a coin, she held the joystick.

She moved her paws all over her body, after finding the angle, she pressed the OK button. Paw down, and actually caught the little dinosaur!

The little dinosaur fell out of the exit, Su Jiu immediately picked it up and handed it to the little villain like a treasure, "Look, brother, I caught it, and give it to you!"

Rong Si was very surprised. He didn't expect that she would be able to catch it. Sister Xiaojiu was really amazing.

He stretched out his hand to take it, and thought that this was specially clipped for him by Little Jiu's sister, and suddenly felt a little happy, "Thank you."

He will cherish it, and every gift she gave him before.

When they came back from dinner, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening. Rong Si put the little dinosaur and other gifts in his schoolbag, and he wanted to carry it by himself.

When they went to bed at night, he and Su Jiu both had insomnia. The two children were thinking about the same problem. After going this way, they don't know when they will meet again?

Maybe they won’t see each other for a long time, at most twice a year, during summer and winter vacations.

For Rong Si, he already felt very lucky to be able to meet Little Jiu sister. Although he and her did not get along for a long time, they have left a lot of memories.

He will hide those memories deeply in his heart, no matter what happens, no matter how far he goes, he will not lose it.

On the day of departure, Su Shengjing drove Song Wanqiu and Rong Si to the airport. Before boarding the plane, Su Jiu reluctantly held the little villain's hand, and couldn't bear to let go.

She really likes the little villain, not only because of his beautifully crafted face, but also because of his attitude.

Thinking of the sweets he had given her, various gifts he made by himself, and the appearance of him sitting on the stairs waiting for her... Su Jiu's eyes suddenly blurred.

"Brother, you must remember the way back." She looked up at the little villain in front of her, choked up and said, "If you don't remember, you won't find me."

Rong Si's gaze fell on her face, and his tone was determined: "I won't forget it."

I will never forget the way, let alone you.

"Yeah!" Su Jiu sniffed and continued to exhort, "Brother, when you get there, you must take good care of yourself and protect yourself. Also, we must keep in touch!"

I Become A Burdensome Child After TransmigratingWhere stories live. Discover now