Not meant to be (song preference)

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🎶It's never enough to say I'm sorry//It's never enough to say I care🎶


(Y/n) and I haven't exactly been seeing eye-to-eye and she puts me at fault for every little thing-making our current issue communication because we constantly talk at one other instead of talk to one another. When we first staring dating she told me that she understood that I would have to leave for tours and studio time, but now she feels drained and empty.

"(Y/n) I don't know what else you want me to say!" We fight so much, for reasons that aren't even clear to me anymore, and nothing ever gets resolved.

"Tell me that you still want me Ashton, tell me that things will get better!" Her eyes were red from all of the tears she shed.

"I've told you time and time again that I love you, I want to marry you someday, have children and grow old with you, but I can't alter my schedule for you (Y/n). I'm very sorry that you feel the way you do but you can't fault me for not always being home with you because you're welcome to come along on this journey with me, but you choose not to!" She didn't speak, just stared at me with guilty eyes.

"Ashton wait!" I turned around to face her, giving her a chance to say whatever she needed to say.


"What else can we do?"

"You figure it out since you are never satisfied with anything I do for you." I knew that the pointless argument was officially over.

🎶It's like one step forward and two steps back//No matter what I do you're always mad🎶


I would've never imagined that our relationship would be at the pit of rock bottom since we always showed nothing less than love and affection to one another. Lately (Y/n) and I have been arguing more and I don't know how much more I can take. Everything I do for her is unappreciated and makes me feel like I'm losing her more each day. Just when I think I've done something good that would make her happy, I practically get stabbed in the heart because she always finds a way to hurt me emotionally. We were once so strong and happy but now she's bitter and I'm lost. {a/n: sorry this part is so short}

🎶Nobody wins when everyone's losing🎶


"YOU DON'T EVEN CARE ABOUT ME ANYMORE!" (Y/n) screamed at me, making me feel like salt on an open wound. She's the only person that I've ever loved and cared about the most and she is oblivious.

"How could you say that? I love you with all that's left of me and you're too blind to see that. I can't be what you want me to be and that angers you, doesn't it?" I didn't want to show her that I was hurt by what she said.

"I was only stating the obvious!"

"Why do we continue having the same old argument when we get nowhere at all?"


"No one will win (Y/n), you know that just as well as I do. You're just torturing yourself by staying if you aren't happy with me."

"But Michael, I-"

"I don't think this is going to work anymore, go out and find someone that makes you happy because it's obvious that I failed."

"I never said I wasn't happy with you, I don't know w-"

"This, us, isn't going to work out (Y/n)."

"Don't leave."

"I have to, for the sake of my sanity."

🎶There's still time to turn this around//You could be building this up instead of tearing it down🎶


Each day that passed by, everything seemed to be getting worse as (Y/n) began to give up more and more.

"(Y/n)." She was sitting across the room from me, her knees pulled up to her chest.

"There's nothing else we can do to try to fix what's damaged." I wasn't ready to let her go because I didn't feel like we were finished.

"I'm trying (Y/n), you aren't,and I'm going to get tired of trying."

"Then just give it a rest Calum." She began to raise her voice at me.

"There's still time to mend our relationship but you have to try if you want to make us work." I knew that he knew I was getting slightly angry with her for being so damn stubborn.

"Only because I still love you." She mumbled, thinking that I didn't hear her.

"What was that?" She rolled her eyes and say next to me, grabbing my hands then leaning on my shoulder.

"I love you too."

In time we'll either break or mend...

{A/N: I wrote this about a month ago after midnight I believe, so sorry if this was complete shit, I must've been very tired.}

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