Keep smiling sunshine-Ashton imagine (part two)

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When we arrived at the venue I helped everyone set up their instruments and helped with the sound systems and microphones since I took tech theatre while Ashton and I were in school. Since it was still a bit early they had time to relax before it their rehearsal. Usually I browse through Instagram and Twitter to follow back fans on my account as well as Ashton's as well while the boys sit around and make small talk and this time something major caught my attention. Ashton was receiving lots of hate out of the clear blue about self harming sky and there wasn't a reason; there never was for him to receive hate or any of the band and there never will be. I read some of the tweets from angry fans and I always read some tweets from people pretending to be fans and I became overwhelmed and disgusted. Ashton has always been the type of person to help anyone he could and be there for everyone know matter what even if he was going through something difficult; he's a kind soul who doesn't deserve any of the hateful things being directed to him.

I logged off of everything and tried my best to cover up the fact that I was crying so no one would ask what's wrong. It was time for the band to take a break so during that time the boys instinctively get their phones out and this time it was the last thing I wanted Ashton to do. I paid close attention to his actions and watched as he left the stage quickly after shoving his phone back into his pocket; everyone else followed shortly after. I eventually got out of my seat to check on everything because I started to worry about him. Cal, Mikey, and Luke walked out of the dressing room with their phones in their hand without saying a word and at that moment I knew. "Ash" My voice was shaky and low, I was on the verge of tears once more. "Please leave me alone (y/n)" His back was facing me and he wouldn't turn around so I stepped closer to him. "You-"

"I saw everything" My heart broke for him because he of all people didn't deserve any of the harsh words that were being thrown around all over the Internet. "I'm so sorry" He sighed. "It's not your fault (y/n), you can't control what people's thought and feelings towards me are and you can't control what people type."

"I know but it hurts me to see you upset because I love you so much and you give your all when it comes to this band."

"I love you too (y/n/n), I just need a minute." I nodded even though he didn't see.

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