Everything I want-Luke imagine

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(Y/n) has been there for me through pretty much everything that has happened and she is the best best friend that anyone could ever ask for. I've wanted to tell her about my feelings I have towards her for a long time, I just don't know how she'd feel; I don't want to pit myself out there just to be rejected.



"(Y/n) and (y/bff/n) are here!"

(Y/n) and I are always the awkward two who go places with Mikey and (y/bff/n); it would be less awkward if she was mine.

"Alright I'll be out in a minute." Being in the same room as (Y/n) makes me feel like I'm floating on clouds and being next to her makes my heart skip a thousand beats per second."


"Hey (y/bff/n)."

"Hey Luke."

"Hi Luke" (Y/n) hugged me and held on tight as if we hadn't seen one another in a few years.

"So who's ready for a night of romance and comedy? Romance first though." Michael and (y/bff/n) told me that I should just ask (Y/n) to be my girlfriend since I'm in love with her but I never knew when the right time was.

"Luke and (Y/n) on that loveseat over there and we'll sit on this one." Througout the movie Michael and (y/bff/n) were whispering cute shit to one another and kissing occasionally, making me feel uncomfortable."I'm gonna go get some air."

"The plan is working babe." I heard (y/bff/n) whispering to Michael.

"What plan?" (Y/n)asked curiously.

"Go check on Luke, we'll be here." I heard the sliding door open and (Y/n) stood there with her hands in the pocket of my sweatshirt I allowed her to borrow.

"You okay?" She sat down next to me and put her hand on my shoulder.

"I can't say that I am."

"You can talk to me Luke, you know that."

"I've just been in love with you for years and seems like you didn't notice or didn't care."

"I've noticed small things Luke and I fell in love with you too."

"So our friendship isn't ruined?"

"Of course not because I want the same thing you do. I want to be all yours and I want you to be all mine."

"You have me (Y/n), all of me."

"I'm relieved to hear those words."

"So what are we?"

"Two best friends in love."

"So I can kiss you?" I don't know why I asked.

"Obviously Luke." Our lips were made perfectly for one another and the momemt couldn't be any more perfect than it is.

"Finally you two are something." Michael and Tina clapped while staring at us.

"(Y/n) you've been driving little Lukey here insane for a long time." (Y/bff/n) was very right about that.

"I knew making you two uncomfortable would push Luke into asking you to be his girlfriend."

"Well you don't have to wait any longer." (Y/n) smiled while pressing her forehead to mine.

"I'm thankful for that."

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