Mutual-Michael imagine

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{A/N: I started writing a different Michael imagine but I don't know where I was going with it, so hopefully you all like this one. Sorry for the lack of updates, I'm running out of updates for both imagines and preferences.}

'Im sorry, I just don't feel the same way about you'

You read that message over and over again trying to process the words through your mind.

"Are you okay Hun?" Your mom patted your shoulder gently, making sure she wouldn't startle you.

"Yeah, I-I'm gonna go to my room." Crying was something you never did in front of anyone, not even your mom, and you didn't plan to start either.

You curled up into fetal position in the middle of your bed with your blankets covering your face, quietly crying.

"(Y/n)?" Your mom knocked on the door.

"Not now mom." Your voice cracked and the door opened; she probable senses that something was wrong.

"Hi." Michael was standing at the end of your bed.

"What are you doing here?" It was difficult for you to look into his eyes without feeling the urge to cry gain.

"I wanted to come here and make sure that you don't hate me and that we're still friends."

How could you remain friends with someone you're completely in love with?

"I don't hate you and since you know that, you can leave."

"But what I don't want to go just yet, or ever for that matter."

"I've already embarrassed myself enough by pouring my heart out to you, telling you what I've wanted to say to you for months, just to be kicked in the chest because you only see me as a friend."

"I don't want to hurt you due to my uncertainty about what I want." You had no idea that he had soft side to him because he never allowed anyone to see it.

"So what's your purpose for sitting here?"

"I want to be with you, but I don't know if I can love you the way I want to."

"Did you just say that me?" He bit his lip while nodding.

"It's okay if you truly hate me and don't want to see me again but I just felt like you deserved an explanation."

"I couldn't hate you, even if I tried." He grabbed your hands and gave them a slight squeeze.

"You understand right?"


"If you want us to be together as much as I do, will you be patient with me?"

"Yes, of course."

"Thank you." He attached his lips to yours and you immediately kissed back.

"I thought you wanted to take things slow?"

"I've wanted to kiss you for awhile and I figured now would be the proper time." His charm made you smile.

{Another A/N: I've written imagines like this before but I'm not sure if I have ever posted them here (they're on my Instagram: calums_lovebug) but if I have posted a few similar to this, my apologies. Hopefully you enjoyed this one anyway. Good night! 😊}

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