My everything (song preference)

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{A/N: Here's a quick song preference before I go to sleep, hope you like this!}

🎶I cried enough tears//To see my own reflection in them🎶


No matter how many times you tried to leave him, you couldn't because you still had some sort of hope that your relationship with him could survive. He's lied to you over and over again but you constantly take his word for things because you don't want to realize that he isn't the angel you thought he once was. You've cried yourself to sleep plenty of nights from harsh words exchanged between the two of you, he wasn't aware of that because you refused to seem weak in front of him.

Another night, he was out with whoever doing whatever while you say at home staring into the mirror wondering how you allowed everything to fall apart the way it has. The bedroom door opened slowly, Luke stood there with his hands in his jacket pockets, staring at you.


"Hey." You responded quietly, your voice cracking in the process.

"I'm sorry." You looked up at him, shocked because you you never thought he'd ever swallow his pride and apologize to anyone for something he's ever done.

"Please say something (Y/n)." He sounded vulnerable and out of it as if he was going to break down at any given moment.

"After all that you've put me through, the many times you've hurt me, all you have to say to me is sorry?" A tear streamed down his face but he quickly wiped it away.

"I know that I haven't been the best to you and you deserve someone better than me, but I'll change, I promise."

"I've heard that same line from you so many times. What makes you think I'd want to continue staying with you? I'm sick and tired of going in circles with you, Luke you should be sick of it too."

"I'm changing (Y/n), I promise to be a better man for you, just please stay." Your heart was breaking as you sat there watching him cry, but you knew it was time to put yourself and your happiness first.

🎶He wasn't my everything till we were nothing🎶


You ended your relationship with him for no exact reason and at the time you were unaffected by it, but as time went on, your heart began to shatter. While you were trying to be happy being newly single, he was dying inside and now the roles have changed because he's happy with someone else while you deal with the pain you made him feel.

Your relationship with Calum wasn't the best at times but you two were able to overcome any problems that surfaced For some reason you felt like you wanted more than what you had in a partner, not realizing that he was the best person you had ever been with and you probably wouldn't be able to find anyone else like him.

Pictures of the two of you were still hanging on the walls in your apartment because you couldn't find the strength to part with any of them yet, in hopes that he'd forgive you one day and he'd take you back.

🎶If I cross your mind just know I'm yours🎶


Usually when someone in a relationship mentions 'taking a break,' chances are everything is over and done with and there's no way that things will very go back to being the same.

The day Michael told you he wanted to take a break, he didn't think about how much you'd be affected by it. You put all your focus on him and gave him all of your time and attention, somehow you felt like it was never enough for him and he wanted more than what you could give.

You spent a week constantly checking your phone to see if he tried to contact you, but you had no such luck. That day he broke the news to you, the last words you said to him is that you'd wait for him, hoping he wouldn't forget to remember you and realize that your heart would always belong to him.

🎶Now that you're gone, my heart is missing something🎶


He left you without closure, your heart felt empty an you didn't know how to deal with the pain he caused. Ash was your first everything: your first kiss, the first person you were ever intimate with, most importantly he was the first person you had ever fallen in love with. The only person who could tell you were having a bad day without having to say a word, the only person that could make you laugh when you truly wanted to cry, the only person who turned your rainy days into days filled with nothing less than sunshine. You missed him and you couldn't conceal that though you tried hard to do so.

"(Y/n) you can't continue doing this to yourself, you have to take your mind of if Ashton." Your mom allowed you to grieve over the loss of your relationship but she was starting to worry about you.

"I know mom, but it's just difficult to erase someone like him from my mind completely. I have him everything and this just goes to show that I was a joke to him."

"It takes time (Y/n), but trust me sweetheart, this pain you feel right now won't be there forever."

"I want to hate him so much but I hate myself for not being able to hate him."

"That shows how strong your love truly is for someone and one day he'll realize what he missed out on because you'll be happy and living a great life without him. " She was right, you couldn't cry over him forever because you deserved someone better than him.

{This isn't edited so please excuse any typos if you see any.}

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