Birthday surprise-Luke imagine

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Waking up eighteen years old is what every teenager looks forward to due to the small portion of freedom given, but it's even better when you wake up next to the person you love. (Y/n) has been a major part of my life for awhile now and she's watched me go from being an awkward sixteen year old to the outgoing eighteen year old I am right now.

"(Y/n) wake up now." I nudged her side a tad with my elbow.

"What is it Luke?"

"I want you to wake up now baby." She turned over to rest her head on my chest.

"But why now? Please go back to sleep."

"But (y/n/n)..."

"Lewi!" My dad calls me that, its been a nickname of mine since I was small. {A/N: His dad really does call him Lewi, he wrote it on his Twitter}

"You have ever called me that before!" I simply laughed.

"I know." She mumbled against my skin.

"Can you wake up now?"

"Fine." I slowly pulled the blanket off her bare legs to gently massage her thigh.



"You can wait."

"I'm not doing anything wrong though." The innocent act always worked and somehow I knew she didn't want me to remove my hand.

"It's too early for that."

"It's 9:30am babe and I want you."

"You want me to what?"

"I just want you." My arms were wrapped around her waist as she sat between my legs.

"I can have me Luke, I'm right here." I felt her her hand caressing my thigh in a teasing manner.

"Can we just have breakfast since you think it's too early for-"

"You want me to cook for you?"

"Yes." I leaned in to kiss her since she was facing me once again, but she stopped me by placing her hands on my chest.

"As much as I'd love to kiss you right now, I think it's better if we brush first."

"Fine but you owe me a kiss and a little something extra."

"Whatever the birthday boy wants." She winked at me before getting off the bed.

"What do you want to do today?"

"Besides have a bit of fun with you?" She swatted my arm instead of laughing, preventing herself from choking on toothpaste.

"Yes Luke, besides that."

"Probably just go to a local bar with the guys with you don't mind." I smiled at her and she blushed.


After we finished with our morning routine, (y/n) took me by surprise when she pushed me up against the nearest wall.

"Woah" That kiss was something else.

"That's what you wanted right?"

"Yes!" She grabbed my arm, pulling me back to our room behind her.

"How about we skip breakfast?" She whispered seductively in my ear.

"I'm definitely fine with that." What a happy happy birthday.

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