Stress reliever-Calum imagine

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Stress has been the only thing making me feel down lately and it has been too much for me to ignore like I've been doing in the past. I started smoking cigarettes again to calm my nerves but it hasnt helped the way it used to. As I flicked my lighter several times a few times I started to wonder how amazing the flame would feel against my skin; I like the feeling of not being able to feel anything at all. I flicked the lighter a few more times before closing my eyes and placing the flame against my wrist, but it never happened.

"(Y/N) WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" Calum stood red faced in front of me with hurt in his eyes but he was too upset with me to cry.

"Relieving stress...well I was trying to." I lowered my head but he lifted it back up.

"If you were feeling stressed or upset why didn't you just talk to me about it? You should've brought it to my attention instead of picking up old habits again."

"I'm sorry Cal."

"I'm taking these away and disposing of them and I'm going to find all of your lighters and drain out the fluid in them; I'm going to be keeping an eye on you." I knew his intentions were positive so I just nodded because I didn't want to put up a fight that I wouldn't win.

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