Victoria-Ashton imagine (part ten)

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"She was fading away each day and I didn't even notice."

"Do you still think about her?"


"How many years has it been?"

"Sixteen years."


When I got back to the apartment Tori and I shared, the majority of her belongings were gone and there was a note left on the counter.

"I'm going back to my parent's house until everything is said and done. Please don't try to contact or visit, I don't want you to see me this way."

I read the note over and over again, trying to process everything from the day I met her to now.

A week went by and I eventually gave up trying to get in contact with her and her family because she was right, it would be useless.

I sat in what used to be our living room in her favorite chair next to the bookshelf near the window, looking through our scrapbook. The collection of photographs started the day I met her in high school and continued on from there.

My phone began to ring, flashing her name and picture on the screen, relieving me of stress I had been feeling.

"Hello, Tori!" I answered in a rush because I missed the sweet sound of her voice.

"Hello Ashton, this is Tori's father."

"Hello Mr. Melenda. Is everything alright? Where's Tori?"

"That's what I am calling about."

"What-what happened?"

"Tori passed away at 10:46am this morning and she informed me that she wanted you to be the first one to know when the day came."

"No no NO!"

I couldn't say anything else at that moment because I couldn't accept that the love of my life had been taken away from me forever. We weren't going to get married, we weren't going to raise our child together and I would have to go on with life without her.

"I'm so sorry Ashton, I know she loved you with all of her heart and what was left of her."

"10:46am." I whispered and let my emotions escape through my eyes.

"I'm sorry." I threw my phone at the wall and dropped to my knees and began to hope and pray that I was only having a nightmare and I'd wake up soon in my bed next to Tori.

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