First date with Michael (part 2)

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The car ride was slightly uncomfortable because neither you or Michael tried to spark up a conversation, so you stared out of the window.

"We're here (y/n)." He shut off the engine and got out of the car-hopefully opening the passenger door.

"Thank you." He held onto your hand as you stepped out of the car.

"I hope you like Italian food." You smiled and so did he.

"I love it, it's actually my favorite kind of food."

"I just learned something about you." He escorted you inside the restaurant, holding you close to his body as if you were his most prized possession.

"Hello, I'll be your waiter for the evening, may I start you off with something to drink? Any appetizers?"

"I'll have a water with lemon please." You answered.

"I'll have the same."

"Any appetizers for you this evening?"

"(Y/n) I hope you aren't the type to order a salad alone."

"Don't worry, I'm not." He nodded and you two proceeded to order.

"I've had a really awesome time with you tonight (y/n)."

"Likewise." He held onto your hand and began swinging it back and forth.

"It's getting late now..." He frowned and looked away from you.


"I don't want the night to end." He shyly admitted.

"Well it doesn't have to." He smiled up at him and he looked down at you, considering the fact you're a tad bit shorter than he is.

"If I told you that I always wanted to take my date to sit on a cliff with me and observe the city lights, would you agree to go with me or call it such a cliche?"

"I'd say it's very cute and I'd agree to it." He picked you up and spun you around before placing you back on the ground.

"Let's go."

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