Keep smiling sunshine-Ashton imagine (part one)

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The boys have a show to do in Los Angeles and they all seem to be very excited about it despite they fact that they're extremely tired. Traveling with them means lots of fast food, many tour bus adventures, long nights and early mornings but I don't mind it because I do it all for Ashton. We've been dating since before he joined the band, so he trusts that I'll stay by his side throughout this journey of his life and I will because that's a promise I made and I don't plan to break it. We stopped at a small dinner for breakfast just before heading off o the venue so we could all get a proper meal and so they boys wouldn't be so grumpy. I say in the booth next to Ash and Calum staring out of the window thinking about how far 5sos has grown, how far they've come and how this is only just the beginning of their career.

"(Y/n)" I felt someone tap me on the shoulder but I didn't turn around to the person who was trying to gain my attention. "Yes?"

"We're leaving now hun." I smiled at Liz and exited the booth to meet everyone back on the bus. When I got back on the bus, I went to the sitting area with the t.v and sat down next to Ashton. "Hey, what were you thinking about? You were pretty zoned out." Ash wrapped his arms around my shoulders as I cuddled into his side.

"How amazingly talented you guys are and how far you guys are going to go."

"You're so cute (y/l/n)" His smile is worth more than a million words. "I say the same about you Irwin." I winked at him and he gave me a kiss on my forehead.

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