Forbidden fruit-Calum imagine

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(your p.o.v)

They say we're all separated by different classes and we should stick with our kind of people, but I like to bend the rules. I'm (Y/n) and I'm at the top of the social pyramid and I've been told that I shouldn't associate with anyone that is below me. I don't like snobby people around me who think they're better because they are wealthy; though I am rich, I still treat everyone respectfully. Due to my disobedient ways, I have lots friends who are below me and I'm gratefully for each of them, especially Calum, because they treat me like a human being, not a figure with money.

(Calum's p.o.v)

Being friends with someone a level above me proves that not all of those people are the same, but it does have a few disadvantages ad well. (Y/n) is beautiful, smart, funny, and she cares about others besides herself. She stands in front of me but disappears when I try to reach for her; she's forbidden fruit.

"Hey (Y/n)." Her hugs are the best I've ever had, the smell of her perfume is divine, her presence alone is a present.

"Hey Cal." That smile she always wears never seems to fade away; it's the one thing that makes me feel better. Each day I fall for her even more because she's a loving person and a very great person to spend with. My feelings for her are beginning to go beyond my control, but somehow I think she's aware. Why are the greatest things in life forbidden?

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