Like father, like son-Luke imagine

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"Luke I'm home."

"Living room."

"Hello love."

"Hey babe, how wad work today?"

"Not too bad. Where's Rian?"


"Are we ordering take out?"

"Sure. I know you're tired so I wouldn't expect you to cook."

"What a proper husband Mr. Hemmings."

"Happy wife, happy life."

"You remember that from school when the teachers would always say that?"

"Of course, it's the married men motto."

"I'm gonna go check on Rian."






"Uh Luke, where's Rian?"

"What do you mean? Last time I checked he was sleeping in his room."

"But now he's-"

"Did you hear that?"

"Sounds like brushes clicking against jars."

"He's singing like daddy."

"You've taught him well."


"Yes mommy?"

"Can I come in?"

"Is daddy with you?"


"He can't come in yet, it's a surprise." ~


"Yes Rian?"

"Look, I did my hair just like yours!"

"You wasted some of my hair gel on the floor didn't you?"

"A little. Are you mad?"

"Not at all, now we can do our hair in the mirror together."


"I promise."

"Yay I have the best daddy in the world."

"And I have the best son in the world but we can't forget about mommy."

"Mommy is the best too!"

"Aww my boys are perfect."

"We love you too (y/n)."

{Can you imagine Luke having a son with quiffed hair just like him?}

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