First date with Michael (final part)

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"Michael how did you figure out the way to get up here?" The two of you had finally arrived at the top of the cliff and were sitting very close on the hood of his car.

"I used to come here all the time when I got my license, just to clear my mind." You nodded.

"It's peaceful." He nodded in agreement.

"I'm happy I allowed Leanna and her boyfriend to talk me into going on a blind date."

"Me too. How do you know Leanna?"

"She's been a good friend if mine since high school. How did you meet her?"

"Dorm buddy."

"She's an angel." You weren't sure if he was being truthfully or sarcastic but you didn't bother questioning him.

"It's getting cold now." You shivered; he wrapped his arms around your shoulders. "I should get you back home now so Leanna won't be worried."

"She trusts you Michael, it's fine."

"Do you trust me?"

"It's too early to say whether I do or don't, but if I didn't have an ounce of trust in you I probably wouldn't have come to a cliff with you."

"Fair enough." He kissed your cheek and made further conversation with you about random topics.

That was the longest first date that you had ever been on but it was in fact the one and It probably couldn't be topped.

"I can't believe how late it ia now." He was slowly walking you to your front door to stall.

"Me either Michael, but it was worth it."

"I'm glad you had a great time with me even though I was a tad awkward at first."

"I was nervous about this date because I've had a few that didn't go very well."

"Leanna set them up for you?"

"How did you know that?"

"She's done the same for me." You two continued to laugh at Leanna's past match making fails.

"She did great this time because I really like you Michael." Usually first dates for you didn't end how you wanted them to-like the ones in romance movies- but you had a feeling that it was finally happening.

"I really like you too (y/n)." He leaned down slowly,giving you time to move away if you didn't want to kiss him, but you met him half way.

"Awww I knew you two would like each other." You and Michael quickly pulled away and looked at the window where Leanna was standing.

"This is so awkward." You whispered.

"Why is she awake right now? It's nearly 5am." You leaned against his chest, his hands around your waist.

"I don't really know but I'm sure I'll have to tell her everything once I go in there."

"Babe I don't have your number."

"Right." You handed him your phone and he quickly typed in his number.

"I'll call you later." He quickly kissed you and let go of your hand. You were already connected to Michael and couldn't wait for the next date.

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