Just for you-Calum imagine

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"(Y/n), I'm going out with Mikey for a few hours."

"Okay, see you later babe. Have fun, not too much fun!"

"Got it." I chuckled.

Michael and I were having a conversation about his hair and he said that I should make a change. After over an hour of convincing me to do something different with my hair, I agreed that I'd go with getting blonde streaks.

"Does (Y/n) know that you're going to do this?" Michael asked.

"Nope, but it isn't a big deal."

We headed over to the hair salon that Michael frequently visits when he's 'in dying need' of getting a new hair color.

"Hey Michael, here for a new color?" An average height brunette girl greeted him.

"Not today, my girlfriend would kill me if I dye my hair again." That was true. Michael's girlfriend took just about everything serious and hates when people 'change their look too many times,' and that's what makes her different from my girlfriend.

"Is this your friend Mike?" The lady asked while looking in my direction and biting her lip. Michael quickly noticed and cleared his throat because he knew it was rude and he could easily tell that I wasn't comfortable.

"Yeah, this is Calum. He's interested in getting blonde streaks." She nodded.

"Any particular reason?" She asked me, putting her fingers in my hair. I began to feel very uncomfortable because I only liked (Y/n) fingers running through my hair; it's her favorite thing to do.

"Doing something different for my girlfriend." I caught her wrist and politely removed her hand from my hair.

"Oh..right this way." She faked a smile. I could tell that she was highly disappointed, but that wasn't my problem at all. I'm vey happy with the person I'm in a relationship with.


"All done." She spun my chair around so that I could look in the mirror.

"Looks awesome Cal."

"Thanks man."

"I know (Y/n)'s gonna enjoy playing with your hair even more." I agreed because I knew for a fact it's true and partially to make the hairdresser uncomfortable.

"How much?" I pulled my wallet from my pocket.

"I already took care of it for you."


When I got back home I walked into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water before going to find my princess.


"In the office!"

She was sitting at my computer typing away very quickly; most likely finishing an essay that's due next year.

"Hey." I quickly kissed her cheek because I didn't want to disturb her.

"I hope you don't mind me using your computer, I couldn't find my laptop charger."

"It's no problem." I got ready to walk out of the room but she grabbed my wrist.

"Hold on one second." She looked adorable with her loose curly hair, big prescription glasses that I adore, and her comfortable attire that she wore around the house which consisted of shorts, a bandeau, and one of my flannels.

"Essay due soon?"

"In about a month but I have a project due along with it."


"All done." She smiled and turned her chair towards me.

"Have I ever told you how damn cute you are when you're so focused?"

"Oh stop, you're gonna make me blush." She put her hands on her cheeks.

"It's true!"

"You look cute when you wear hats." She flirted back and winked at me.

"Am I blushing yet?"

"I'm serious. So, what did you and Mikey do today?"

"Went to that hair salon he goes to all the time."

"Oh gosh, his girlfriend is gonna kill him."

"He didn't get his hair dyed."

"Blank trip?" She didn't suspect I had gotten anything done to my hair because I never had a thought to do anything except get a haircut.

"I got a little something done." Her eyes lit up.

"No way! Can I see? Can I see?"

"Just for you." I took my hat off and she smiled at me.

"Aww babe, I love it!" She came over and sat on my lap.

"I knew you'd really like it." I kissed her cheek but wanted more, so she kissed my lips.

"It looks really nice."

"Michael said you'd like running your fingers through it."

"He knows me so well." She chuckled.

I admired the friendship between Michael and (Y/n) because she's like his little sister and he's very protective of her.

"He partially said that because his friend, the hairdresser, tried flirting with me by running her hand through my hair." Her smile quickly turned into a frown.

"You're mine!"

"I know, and she knows that as well." I giggled and kissed her again.

"I might copy your hair color because I love it so much."

"That lady would be so pissed if I walked through the door with you." We both laughed.

"Sounds like a personal problem. No one runs their fingers through that hair except me, that's my job." She took my hat from my hand and placed it on her head; she knows that's a turn on.

"I know, don't worry."

{A/N: I'm actually very proud of this! Has anyone seen his hair yet? It's soooooo cute. 😍}

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