Not that important-preference

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Luke had been planning the perfect date for the both of you considering the fact that your anniversary was approaching, that meant that you needed a new outfit for the special occasion. You decided to go shopping around the mall to find the effect dress, shoes, and accessories that would make Luke's jaw drop when he'd see you. After an hour of shopping, you spotted a few dresses that really caught your eye more than all of the others you had seen. You took a few pictures and sent them to Luke to see which one he'd like better and which one would go with his outfit as well, but he called you instead of responding to your texts.

"Hi babe." You answers your phone in a cheery tone.

"Hi sweetheart."

"Did you like the dresses?"


"Which one looks the best?"

"The color is not that important love, I know that you'd look beautiful in either one of them." That put a huge smile on your face and made your heart flutter.

"You're so sweet to me Hemmings."

"And that's how it's always going to be honey. I have to go now but I'll see you later okay?"


"I love you, happy one year." You could tell he was smiling as much as you.

"Happy anniversary Lukey, I love you." You matched dress B better with your shoes and accessories. Sure enough, you received sweet compliments from the boys, a few elderly couples, and lots from your loving boyfriend.


You and Ashton were snuggled up next to the fireplace since it was storming and the power had been out for awhile. Your head rested on his chest while he sang your song softly and played with your hair. His phone started ringing and he stood up to leave the room to answer it-leaving you alone in the living room.

"Who was it Ash?" You asked when he stepped back into the room.

"Tour managers, we're going back on tour very soon." Your heart dropped a little due to the fact you had just gotten Ashton back in your arms and he'd be leaving again.


"They also said a few other things, but they're not that important."

"This means your leaving me again." You murmured.

"Not necessarily."

"What do you mean?"

"You're going to be joining us on your this time, we're just starting with a few local shows."

"Oh my gosh Ashton!" You ran and jumped straight into his arms, luckily he caught you.

"I wouldn't leave you again if I didn't have to baby."

"I know." He kissed the spot just below your ear, earning a giggle from you.

"(Y/n) it's cold, let's go back to snuggling."


Your hair color changed when Michael'a did and that attracted lots of unwanted attention in public. This time around he settled with a simple pastel purple color and you did the same but added a touch of dark purple to as well. (A/N: It may sound strange but it's actually very pretty if it's dyed correctly)

"Michael." You squeezed his hand to get his attention.

"Yes babe?" He was trying his best to keep a smile on his face as he tried to keep you close to him while getting through the semi-large crowd.

"Do you think my hair looks bad?" You whispered into his ear so he'd be able to hear you better.

"Baby, are you worried about what my parents are going to think of you because of what your hair color is?"

"Sorta." He sighed.

"(Y/n) I've dyed my hair millions of times and they still love me."

"That's because you're their son, of course they love you."

"Babe they're most likely to think that it's adorable that we have matching hair colors."

"I'm afraid of judgement from everyone, not just your parents."

"They're not going to judge you." Your confidence boosted and you smiled.

"I believe you Mikey."

"Thank you. And believe me, hair color is not an important thing for my parents, they just want to know that you're good for me and that you're respectful." He kissed your cheek and held onto your hand tightly.


Your birthday finally arrived and you couldn't wait to see what your boyfriend had planned for you. There was a note on Calum's pillow letting you know that he'd be back in a few hours and that he placed roses on the counter for you.

Once you finished your morning routine you picked out your daytime outfit and a potential nighttime outfit then moved onto hair and makeup. Your cellphone buzzed, you had a few messages from friends and Twitter notifications from 5sos fam members wishing you a happy birthday. Disconnected began playing a few minutes later and you knew Calum was calling you which caused you to smile.

"Hi Cal."

"Hey baby girl, happy birthday."

"Thank you, I loved the roses by the way."

"No need to thank me (y/n), you deserved them. I'm on my way to pick you up now."

"Okay." You were beyond excited to spend the day with him.

When he got back to your shares flat he escorted you to his car and began driving, holding onto your hand the whole time. He pulled into the lot of your favorite restaurant and led you to the door, holding you close to him.

"SURPRISE!" Your friends and family came over to hug you and Calum.

"How did you rent out the entire restaurant? How did you fly all of them here?"

"It's not that important right now, all that matters right now is that my baby is happy bd having a good birthday."

"I love you so much Cal." You had a few tears falling down your face that he quickly wiped away.

"I love you too, happy birthday my lovebug."

{Hope you all like this update 💞}

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